
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:10:21
世界八大名胜古迹是哪八大? 被称为‘世界第八大奇观“的古迹是什么? taking exercise every day is good for our healthy的同义句 我想把所有的歌都换成英文歌……帮我推荐几十首吧 求好听的英文歌几十首要有介绍,曲名的中文翻译. It took them nearly 100 years to build the palace.(同义句) They__ __ 100 years__the palace.The builaing of the tower__(begin)in 1173.(适当形式填空)They closed the park for___(safe)reasons.适当形式填空)___(backpack)is a popular style of It took them nearly 3 years ( before )the new stadium was completed.为什么不用until 翻译I'm a just comb you outta my curls中文 请各位帮个忙哈 世界八大名胜古迹其一有古罗马竞技场, 英语翻译1.If 4 less than 3 times a certain number is 2 more than the number-,what is the number?2.Six trees are equally spaced along one side of a straight road,th-e distance from the first tree to the fourth is 60 feet,what is the distance in fe 急一女孩说了下面的话我怎么安慰(带上中文)just a mistake in my life,do myself be happy急用啊 英语翻译急用啊 德语 1.junge 是形容词还是名词 2.Deutsche是形容词还是名词德语 Viele junge Deutsche haben keine Lust auf große Familien.很多年轻的德国人对大家庭都不感兴趣了.-------1.junge 是形容词还是名词2.Deutsche是 我国的文明古迹 世界自然文化遗产的三个名胜古迹 介绍一处文化古迹 用英文句子解释millions He is a top student in our class.He can work out of the problem __[easy] the students in our class work much harder at english than __in their class.AthatBthese Cthose 怎么形容鲤鱼的外貌?急! Having been separated from other countinents for millions of years,Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world. the other are from Australia other加s吗? They all come from the plants and animals that () millions of years ago.A.deathB.dieC.diedD.dead选什么以及理由, Hundreds of millions all over China 前为什么不加fromHundreds of millions of middle schools and universities all over China join in a national student sports program.有没有from all over china用法,有的话请给例句. It is so difficult a problem that ____ student in this class ____work it outA.any can't B.no can C.every can D.no can't 为什么不能选A,网上解释说any和can't会构成双重否定,但是any做“任一”意思讲的时候,不表示否定吧, It is so difficult a problem that ___ student in his class ___ work it out.A.any can't B.no can C.every can D.no can't 为什么不选A? 国歌是谁写的? 请大家推荐一本全面的英语语法书想买一本涵盖知识全面的英语语法书. our English teacher always walks a_____ the classroom while we are reading aloud. take a holiday是渡假的意思吗听力的问题里总有这个. 英语口语怎么样才能提高?很苦恼 怎样提高英语听力和阅读速度,怎样练好英语口语,这些问题一直苦恼着我,希望大家多多帮助!