
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:10:13
英语中哪些词既可以当可数又可以当不可数名词 英语中哪些词既可以当可数又可以当不可数名词 在英语为什么有些词是不可数名词,它的依据是什么?比如:money,它是可以数啊,一块钱population,也可以数啊,为什么是不可数名词? 【英语知识】 常用的词中 那些后面跟可数 那些后面跟不可数 希望全一些 英文中"广告"这词可不可数?帮帮忙 英语中修饰可数名词不可数名词的词有哪些?1.既能修饰可数名词,也能修饰不可数名词的词有哪些?(a lot of.)2.只能修饰可数名词的词有哪些?(many.)3.只能修饰不可数名词的词有哪些?(much.) 各位英语高手们,帮忙翻译成英语,要押韵哦.谢谢!拍手拍手拍拍手.踏脚踏脚踏踏脚.手举高,手放下,手打开,转个圈.这是头,摇一摇.这是手,摆一摆.这是脚,踏一踏.这是腰,扭一扭.做体操,大家来. 英语翻译not less we praise in darker daysthe leader of our nationand churchill's name shall win acclaimfrom each new generationfor you have power in danger's hourour freedom to defend,sir!though long the fight we know that rightwill triumph in th 翻译英文 与······押韵 英语翻译Love me,just a little bit I am about to like you anyway Love me,well I am twenty three All my flesh to fold down as soon as it hits Break me thenFake me everywhereWell I for you before we were friends (问号的词没听出来)My love 求一首关于秋天的诗,要自己编的,要押韵,五言七言都行. 学对五言句和七言句.(要求:每句末字与诗句末字押韵) ↓(1)红杏枝头闹(nao)-------- ---------- (2句)(2)一行白鹭上青天(tian)------ ------- (2句) 诗歌如何押韵 学对五言句和七言句(每句末字与诗句末字押韵)1,红杏枝头闹...2,一行白鹭上青天... 英译汉-翻译诗I wish I could wipe your falling tears away, As you bravely smile through your pain... You see me suffer, then you break down and cry miles apart... In your dreams I softly kiss you, No one can see the pain, that we both fe 英语翻译七言绝句群山丽影漫江音,侧耳尤听雨意霖.欲踏清风寻万里,栖霞红叶醉君心. 英语翻译麻烦翻译下面这首童谣,请注意用语,要有诗意.Hush,little baby,don't say a word.Papa's going to buy you a mockingbird.If that mockingbird won't sing.Papa's going to buy you a diamond ring.If that diamond ring turns to brass. 英语翻译They fashion streets out of the rockStruck up statues to their godsAnd hung up flight on every corner - amenWe are charged spoil in to goBring me back to where I'm fromA billion molecules are landing of in your heartPoss in with lifePoss 英语翻译My DreamWhere he who does not love would faint and lie down .Though weary,it is not tired ;though pressed it is not straightened ;though alarmed,it is not confounded ;but as a living flame it forces itself upwards and securely passes thro 求译:一首英文小诗Still have not forgotten you!Really surprised i feelAccidentally to receive your message I am very happyPerhaps just for your messageAnd your happiness nowA long time to meet youSince the last year we met But i have never f 英语翻译1.SEARCHING THE WOODS(XXIVth Birthday Poem)You have been there in green shadows,your face paler than the great ranked trees,paler than stunted clearing where the moonburns shrub and tussock with her cool glare.You have stumbled over bodie 英语翻译不可以是爱情诗 把诗翻译英文:转角遇见,入秋之夏一路 / 没有遇见密云暴雨秋天 / 那永远蓝湛湛的天空午后 / 偷得一丝丝宁静寻觅 / 夏天最后的踪影我试着翻译成以下:Along the road/never see any heavy clouds or hea 英语名词变动词英语里名词变动词时哪些词是不用去掉末尾的e,哪些去掉?上面错了 应该是动词变名词 人肯定是会变化的这句怎么用英语翻译(只能用三个词) 能告诉我各国的英文单词以及其语言的单词吗?尤其是一些小国家,大国家的我都知道~ 帮忙告诉我这些词和短语在英语中的用法.1.be动词的用法2.人称代词和物主代词的用法3.名词的单复数和所有格的用法4.冠词的用法5.There be 句型的用法不要复制太多百度的 看不懂 语法书里的 告诉我 英文单词怎么写? 英语带连字符的单词是怎么构成的?hard-workinggood-lookingEnglish-speakingnever-ending以上几个是以ING结尾,这是为什么呢?并说说是怎么构成的.end-of-yearseven-year-old这两个又是怎么构成的呢?warm-heartkind-hea 英语上复合单词的连字符的用法实在是搞不懂麻烦最好弄几个例句……这样我更便于理解.谢 用word写英语论文,已经选择了自动换行,但是那些单词没有加连字符,我需要手动加进去吗? 英语单词,连字符consumer-activist是什么意思,要是可以的话,您再给我讲讲两个名词之间使用连字符的作用吧.保护消费者权益的人? 谁能告诉我这几个词的英文是什么我一直很想知道这几个词的英文(如下),如果谁知道的话彩虹、赤、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫、极光、能量转移、能量转化、能量结合、变身