
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:22:36
我国春秋时期老子孔子时代,现在西方各国有哪些圣人?试介绍诸圣人的神迹或者贡献.思想、哲学、伦理均可. 孔子所在的春秋时期有煤炭吗?如果没有,那么人们实在是那么朝代开始使用煤炭的?如果没有,那么人们是在是那么朝代开始使用煤炭的?但你们答案不一致,让我很绕…… 几个高三英语翻译及相关问题Altogether the group of islands formed a little world within itself. 请翻译一下Darwin first understood the development of different plant species from development in bird species that he observed in Galapa 读音与沉沦相似的英文单词,最好是五个字的, 有个英语单词我听到的发音是 哈搜(谐音),谁知道是什么单词,写出来 英语六级考了500,是要报考BEC中级还是高级? 六级过了,请问可以考BEC哪个级别呢?六级过了,现在在工作.没考过BEC,考哪个级别比较好呢考BEC有什么好处么?对工作或者个人发展来说 我刚过六级,想考BEC,但不知道考中级还是高级?我刚刚过了六级考试,但是分数不高(500),今年6月想再考刷分,但是又想考BEC中级和高级.那我是选择今年5月考BEC中级,还是12月直接去考BEC高级呢? 剑桥商务英语中级好考吗?我六级刚过的水平. 六级刚过考BEC哪个等级比较好?我的六级是440,刚过的水平吧,想考14年上半年的BEC,考哪个等级比较好呢? 仲尼是在什么情况下写的《春秋》? 孔子撰写《春秋》的目的是? 孔子编的春秋现在还有原篇吗?不是春秋三传而是孔子写的我指的不是古木简,是内容春秋现在是不是和左传合并在一起了 孔子写春秋的背景什么时候,地点,社会背景(我在找作文素材) 四级600+ 六级570+,考BEC可以直接从高级入手吗?考一次BEC也很烧钱啊~自学BEC有希望么. After finish doing my homework 和 After finishing my homework哪个是对的?Why? I have to do my homework after school[用do my homework提问] I usually do my homework after school.对do my homework.提问 我做完作业后总是变得很疲劳 I ___________________________after I finish my homework还有一个莉莉已不在这所学校学习了Li li _________________________at this school___________- after I get home ,the first thing i have to do is to finish my homework.这是一个什么句子, ”孔子著《春秋》,乱臣贼子惧”,这是为什么? 孔子修春秋我想请问天后第97签是什么意思?签文如下:春秋直笔照人寒褒贬分明事事难游夏斯时先学圣一豪未敢露词端 求大神帮看这两句话哪个是正确 英语~he get hurt in the accident 还是he got hurt in the accident please c___ your homework after you finish it.please c___ your homework aft Pleace c__ your homework after you finish it.填空 After you finish your homework,please help me do the l( ) Please rememberto s___ your document after you finish it. after your homework (finish),please design the game with me 职高的主语从句英语题,求大神给解决一下~13. _____ he saw both surprised and frightened him. C A. That B. When C. What D. Which14. _____ is a spell of warm sunshine. D A. What do we all need. 写一篇关于what are your dreams and desires in the future after graduation from college? Topic 6:what is your life plan after graduation from college?how do you realize it?的英语对话,两分钟左右 BEC中级相当于大学英语四级还是六级水平?