
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 02:48:29
you must tell him the news as soon as you himA.see B.seesC.will see D.is seeing They send an e-mail ______ a betterA.instead of write B.instead of writing C.instead writing D.instead to write Is she still alive that her luck.这句符合语法吗? There is still_______ that they will find her aliveA.a remote chanceB.no chanceC.not less chanceD.chance为什么,请解析, I have a/an ____ that he is still alive.(feeling,impression) 选哪一个?为什么? (that he is still alive) is sheer luck. 能不能把括号中的that 去掉?that 做的什么成分啊?和后面的he is still alive 是同位语吗 I hope that's not your back,but you come back. 七个大洲和六块大陆分别位于哪个半球?告诉我好吗?谢谢 七个大洲是哪七个大洲? abandon oneself to doing 为什么有沉迷于的意思?abadon 不是停止的意思吗? abandon用法abandon oneself to sth纵情于某事那abandon doing sth是放弃做某事,还是纵情于某事. 我想有一个好听的网名,和个性签名配套的,最好有雨这个字,可爱一点的哟急需急需!大家帮帮忙啦12岁的小女生的,不要火星字体 带鑫字的网名 我喜欢的女生名字有这个字 好听点的长点 一定要好听才行 世界上六大陆的平均海拔高度的高低顺序依次是什么?最高的是南极大陆,那么第二·第三……第六高的大陆是什么? watch的用法如果表示之前看到某人做某事应该用watch+do还是用watch+doingWhat did you do in the garden?I watched my father _ his motor bike.A to repair B repairing应该选哪个 There aren,t 和There isn,t 意思要重点说明 there aren't=there isn;t?there aren't +名词复数=there isn;t+名词单数或不可数名词=there is no? Deng Xiaoping make a great c______ to our country. He always lives in our hearts.初三英语 Could go back to the past 什么样的昵称好听?我是女生,昵称中要有“轩”这个字,可以取哪些昵称?我的性格有一点内向,同时我男朋友名字中有“轩”,要取一个适合我与他关系的昵称 from the very beginning中的very是什么意思,起什么作用? from the very beginning 是什么时态? buy oneself/ for oneself / in oneself / to oneself 以上什么 意思 watch与see在用法上有什么不同?什么情况下用watch? 人吸入过多的氧好吗? address oneself to +do 还是+doing>?1、好迷糊啊.to 后面一般什么时候接 do 、doing sth、 sth 2、be absorbed in \ be accustomed to\ attach importance to \ address oneself to上面4个呢?还有be bound to 呢 offer oneself to中的to是介词吗 apply oneself to doing TO是介词吗apply to里的to也是吗? 怎么样能快速的,自学英语 自学英语,怎样才好?我是个对26个字母 听说新概念很不错 是么?新概念丛书要配套英语磁带么?还是就书了?我听说现在中国英语书都很Chinglish新概念也是这样的吗? 怎么自学英语好? 怎么自学英语才好怎么办