
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 05:20:13
Action speak louder than words.SPEAK S干吗不加?ACTION有的加了s 有的么加搞不懂了 Action speaks louder than words..怎样完整的解释一下speaks louder 的意思 Mary is as old as Kate(改为同意句) Mary has _______age__Kate This plant smells very sweet.中的plant为什么不用复数?不要受smells的影响! This flower smells very sweet.在个是主系表吗?This flower smells very sweet.这朵花闻起来很香.1.这是主系表吗?请问 smell是感官动词吧,那么后面不应该加副词吧.但是这里的 主 系 表 分别是哪几个词?2.这 Betty is twelve years.Simon is twelve years old,too.Betty is the()()as Simon so a 新中国成立后,我国在外交部上实行创新,推行了什么政策? 7、— is the book from?A、Who B、When C、Whose 16It was____Imet Mr Green in Shanghai.Aten years before Bmany years ago that Cfive years before Russian State Duma welcomes Mubarak resignation 求这句句子翻译,谢谢 加拿大签证表格名字的含义?加拿大签证的那些表格为什么以IMM开头?比如学签表IMM1294E,这个IMM是什么的缩写?后面数字的含义呢?还有那个“E”意味着啥? People ____Tibet are different____us.(填介词) 请问这里的came to 是什么意思?As a matter of fact, scientists as well as artists have all used ideas and solutions that came to them in dreams.请问,这里的came to是到达的意思么? that came to them in dreams.是修饰ideas和solutio lead to 例如:The pledge to spend 0.7 per cent of gross national income on foreign aid has led to claims that David Cameron has put the interests of foreign countries – many of which can afford to spend heavily on their military or even space pr While I do not know who you are,but I know that you are my friend on the trip,I wish you good luc I am very sorry < >you such a lot of trouble by the delayed shipmentI am very sorry < >you such a lot of trouble by the delayed shipmentA;coused B;to have caused C;causing D;to be caused 英译汉一句Rather than ...Rather than irrationally blame the viciousness of any particular regime or race,could we not blame the human race's general lack of curiosity,its indifference to the past.后半句我看明白了-我们不应该指责人 Than before 英译汉 tom__stand the boring lessons.I can't stand them__. Acan tooBcan't eitherCdoesn't eitherDdoesn'ttoo Don'T Drink The Water 歌词 求老友记第3季第10集中Chandler说的“as old as he is in dog years”的语法解析,同上.这是倒装还是什么的,希望专家们帮忙解说下!原句是:as old as he is in dog years,do you think Snoopy should still be allowed to fl First 3.Her dog is 2 years old .(改为一般疑问句) Tom's___a new toy piane.A.getting B.got C.get Ben and Tom are looking for a new bottle of shampoo.为什么要选looking tom_(have)a new hat by the time we get to the cinema的意思 as well as为什么不能用as good as 请翻译直到昨天晚上我们才开始讨论这个问题【用英文】 “他就是昨天咱们谈论的那个演员”怎么翻译 英语翻译