
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:42:29
when l go to sleep,l wear my sleeping cap.翻译 origin软件的功能它一般用在什么地方,具体介绍一下 大神们求助怎么用origin做出这种效果为什么 我做出的是这种效果 We had to walk to school two days ago,but now we can take the subway.Things always( )A changed Bhave changed C had changed D change origin 取绝对值,在哪儿调出这个功能 matlab中是不是有origin中的全部功能?如果是,那origin除了价格和方便一些外,还有什么好处. datafit 和origin哪个拟合效果更好 The machine didn't work because petrol was_____.A;run out B;running out of C;run out of D;running out选哪一个?为什么? Why ______they______(work) in China. he is sleeping 这句话是看成:主系表 代+系动词+adj形容词 sleeping作形容词.还是看成:主谓 代+动词 此为现在进行时态,看做现在分词呢?如果看做是形容词的话,称法上还叫不叫动名词.有点糊涂, What is he doing?答案我想就用一个词是用Sleep.还是Sleeping.是不是象动词开头都要原形祈使句? But he is (sleep)now.sleep要双写吗?选择正确形式填空 . He is------with his head on his arms(sleep)词语变形,应该选sleeping or asleep,why? Kitty always walk to school.的同义句是什么? I can walk to school的同义句 origin怎么用? 如何用origin做方框图就是用origin作出图后,在图的右边和上边,分别加上黑直线边框 The shop ( ) {sell} all kinds of school things . The shop is asking for the business ( ) to sell school things括号里应填什么请快点帮我解答 怎样评价辽宋澶渊之盟 origin怎么标峰 英语翻译这段是这样的。Although you both said cruel things to each other,one of you has to be the first to admit that it was a mistake.You are simply going to have to forgive him. 澶渊之盟给辽,宋带来了什么影响 澶渊之盟规定,辽宋为( )关系A.朋友 B.父子 C.兄弟 D.叔侄 “澶渊之盟”是宋辽关系转折点 .“澶渊之盟”是宋辽关系转折点,学者们一般认为它是北宋屈辱的城下之盟,多予以否定.也有人认为它是一定历史时期内实力相互均衡的自然产物 不能斥为“ 用所给单词组成句子show,did,she,photos,you,the?didn‘t,didn‘t,give,he,me,presebts,any.kate,give,he,me,pretier,than,is?more,this,that,sofa,comfortable,one,is,than.old,new,house,one,than,was,closer,the,to,my,school? 用所给的单词组成句子 谁能将这些单词组成句子strong / very / very / the / people / who / built / the / Great / Wall / were 将单词组成句子 just then等同于什么?I was beginning to think that the experiment would not work.Just then,I saw some of the hairs on the string stand up.此时两句话并成一句话后,just then换成一个字的词是什么? They always sell their clothes _____ a high price 自然(节选) 爱默生