
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:12:29
安全第一英文安全第一有用一句话解释的不是safety first、Safety is important之类的,请问有人知道吗? “安全第一”用英语怎么说快 “安全第一,安全第一”是哪个电影里的台词? 安全第一关于质量安全,说说自己对质量安全的看法,可以写食品.交通等.字数500-3000字~ 请问《安全第一》是指什么 They each ____ a beautiful handkerchief.A.have B.has C.there is D.there are 为什么不选B, How many _______will they sing( ) A.songs b.song c.songes the _____(sing) _______(sing) a beautiful song just now. they are singsing a beautiful song for the old man改成被动语态 想报个外教口语班提高口语水平,选中EF还有杰克美语,就是没有最后订在哪儿学,纠结ing.其他广告就算了.大家快给说说.觉得好像都挺好的. 高中新生的自我介绍...要有特色一些的...高中新生自我介绍,需要介绍哪些?怎样才能有特色一些?给人留下好的印象? 什么是状语后置句 take off(起飞)是不是延续性动词? 什么是状语后置?状语后置的句子怎么翻译? 初中有哪些状语后置句至少5句,一定要有翻译 “冰,寒于水”这句为状语后置句,那什么是状语呢?状语又包括些什么呢?还有“他跑得比我快.”中哪个是状语啊?谁能教教我啊! 100分闯关中生死攸关的烛光阅读题 求取值范围 when i was 13 i had my first When I ______, the play started. A. was seated B. seated C. was seating D. was being seated I started to play football when I was five.(同义句)I started to play football___ ___ ___ ___ five My classmate larry started skating when he was nine and he won the first prize in school race 啥意 繁星春水精彩段落和点评,最好是没有写过的点评最好多一点, he first started a___ when up James Morrison 歌词中文翻译How can I find you When you're always hiding from yourself Playing hide and seek with me Till it gets too dark Too dark, inside your shell Why do I even try When you take me for granted? I should know better by now Eternity-wonderful world歌词 50字左右的好句子. 请教一个简单的英语语法,基础的He never( )his homework括号里面应该填 do 还是 does 今天炫舞小学三年级答案,不用答题器 康妮 塔波特的beautiful world的歌词,中文翻译的,最好中英对照! 谁有50字的好句子请加上标题 the teacher told us how we should learn englishell!