
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:14:23
Jim did work more than anyone else这句话哪里错了?这是道改错题,主要练习的是比较级和最高级.any others 和 anyone else 电影《立春》到底是什么含义?感觉这个片子很真实,很感人,但是很阴郁,不积极.为什么在中国追求高一点的理想就不行呢,一个要去当骗子,一个要去当强奸犯,一个不结婚最后要收养孩子.我实 我看了蝴蝶效应1,请问这电影寓意到底是什么? ( )September 1.1990 A.at B .in C.on on september和in septembre有什么区别 will·i·am的this is love的中英文歌词、 I love you in this life a person I will to you no matter you tattle and prate protection. 英语:完成句子如题:我喜欢了解新事物.I like —— —— new things.在两条横线上分别填一个单词, 完成句子(英语)他去北京了.He ___ ___ ___ Beijing.—Tom在哪儿?—他去图书馆了.—Where's Tome?—He ___ ___ ___ the library.我从未去过桂林,你到过那里吗?I have never ___ ___ Guilin.___ you ever ___ ___. 英语的完成句子,四、根据所给汉语完成句子,一空一词.(1×10=10分)①The new bike ______ ______ _____ _____ (买给我)by my parents as a present last week.②_______ your mobile phone _______ _______ ________(是国产的 I still want to be the one you love 如题 I WILL AIWAYS LOVE TO BE THE ONE YOU LOVE 要准确的 I\'ll always love to be the one you one day i met you then love appear to the world I'll always love to be the one you love. ___September 5.(哪个介词?)为什么呢? 人与动物和谐相处的宣传标语一个 1.不久我的左腿开始疼痛Soon____________________2.我试图爬出那个洞,但最后也没有爬出去.I _____________________,but I didn't get out ai last.3.我想让你明天帮我喂我的猫I want you_______________________________ Who is a person which I should love?Has loved 6 years person,but separated has fallen in love again .Was just knew the soon lovable girl,pure and was sensible.Believes the fate?Perhaps I may temporarily believe.Did you know misses a person's taste.Ha I love the people,in which direction? I hope I love people who love me 是什么意思 I love people who do not love me any more,how should I do?I'm very sad I love people who do not love me,I don't like people but like me.What should I do?我不想累了. 关于龙的寓言故事(小短文)谁有? 时间前的介词怎么用,年月日前的介词 有没有有关龙的文章啊!急.是文章不是寓言和传说啊!我要写读书卡的快~ 英语完成句子他母亲的背疼得厉害,他赶紧请来了医生His mother hurt her back( )he called in the doctor as soon as possible很高兴我们在机场偶然相遇( 英文姓大全 求英文姓氏大全,看清楚,是“姓氏”“大全”.请附带中文念法和含义.是“姓氏”,复制的时候看好了自己复制的是 姓氏 还是 名字 好不好? 英文姓大全 越多越好rt中英文都要哟~ Some programmes show people and places from other parts of the world and othertimes in h____. 关于美国总统林肯的问题美国总统林肯是( )的儿子.他是美国历史上( )的总统之一.正是这位出身卑微的美国总统,( )地领导人民拿起武器,维护了( ).