
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:09:29
请问这样的雅思作文能拿到5.5么题目是computers do not help children to learn more effectively.on th contrary.Their usage has a negative effect on both the physical and mental development of young people .to what extent do you agree or d 什么叫做造天亮 这样的雅思作文能得几分?说明:我的目标只是5至5.5 请问可以达到吗?some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works by using computer.作文如下In c 求问造天亮是什么意思呢? 我英语基础超差,但现想学葡萄牙语,没有什么目的性,可以帮我吗? Salvation lies within翻译中文什么意思 做外贸想多学一门语言,葡萄牙语和俄罗斯语选哪个比较好,哪个学得快,英语基础一般能跟老外简单交流能邮件葡萄主要是考虑巴西市场,俄语不用说反正未来俄罗斯和巴西两个市场都应该有潜 葡萄牙语多长时间能学会简单的对话 “The man is lies”翻译成中文是什么意思? 葡萄牙语难不难学?对葡萄牙语比较感兴趣,零基础. There is a great deal evidence__that music activities engage diffferent parts of the brain.(2009浙这个横线上到底应该填indicating还是to indicate还是两种都可以?因为人教版高三课本5单元Advertising最后一段有一句Ther What I'd do to have you here 这句话是什么意思? There is a great deal of evidence__that music acticities engage different pars of the brain.A.indiThere is a great deal of evidence__that music acticities engage different pars of the brain.A.indicating B to indicate C indicateDto been indicated D怎 艾薇儿的 wish you were here里的 what i'd do to have you here这句,其中的'd是什么意思, 为什么李毅称为"大帝"还有他的 天亮了 还有他还有什么经典的发言 这样的雅思作文能得6分吗?Some people think we need more female leaders to create world peace and reduce violence. To what extent do you agree?With the progress of feminine activity, women nowadays have higher social status and are entitled 李毅大帝吧 的那些个内涵的词语 好像是一首诗 什么天亮天黑 男默女泪春哥笑 什么碉堡吊丝黑木耳 就是组合起来的那首诗 tape the answer是什么意思 Answer the Questions是什么意思 what is the It looks nice on your.翻译,不要直译,要意译! answer the question — Yes.He came here for his dictionary.A.what did he come here for B.when he came hereC.why he came here D.how he came here这题答案是C 为什么A不可以呢?—Do you know _____________? For what ___ did he come here.A aim B purpose C goal D object这里目的真是多.无比困惑...求大伙帮助.. 要What can i do for you?和Come here!的同句型句子就像Can you clean the table?和Can you clean the chairs?是同句型一样 求助:如何在5天内让雅思作文从5分提高到6.5? 雅思作文提高方法有哪些? 雅思作文6.5分以上人进已经考过一次雅思,总分是7分,可惜作文考的不行. 圣诞节和新年合起来的英文歌是什么歌?最后一句是“and a happy new year!”叫什么名字? 时间状语 every day last year 前面的动词用什么时态? She wants to play baskeball every day是什么时态 Come in,please.( )thanks.you have a nice place hereA.here you are B.would you like my place C.take it easy D.make yourself at home