
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:16:10
1.若函数f(x)=x^2+2(a-1)x+2在区间(负无穷,4)上是减函数,求实数a的取值范围2.已知y=loga(底)(2-ax)(真数)在[0.1]上是关于x的减函数,求a的取值范围 函数的单调性 急设f(x)是实数集上的增函数,令F(x)=f(x)-f(2-x) (1)求证F(x)在R上的增函数(2)若F(x1)+F(x2)>0.求证x1+x2>2 帮忙看看这个英语文章的语法错误,高分求助!BANILLA COFFEE promotion method:1、 November 26, 2008 to on December 9, 2008 in a time of consumption inside the store of BANILLA COFFEE arbitrarily product full 80 dollars, then get to pres 函数证明区间单调性过程中的问题.关于证明过程中有一步骤叫“变形”的问题.变形一定要变到积商形式么?要是还是加减形式就已经知道式子大于零还是小于零了还用变形么?如:证明函数f 方程2x+y=5的解的集合(用描述法表示下列集合){x,y)|y=5-2x}其中{x,y)|y=5-2x}, =第四题用描述法怎么写, 集合的描述法例如,x-7<3,集合是﹛x|x<10,x∈R﹜这样表示,还是﹛x,x∈R|x<10﹜这样表示,还是2种都可以?我还没学,先预习 某桶装水经营部每天的房租、人员工资等固定成本为600元,每桶水的进价是12元.若按每桶13元销售,则日均销售量为440桶,从12元起,每桶水销售单价每增加1元,日均销售量就减少40桶.这个经营部怎 第3题,高一数学,函数单调性,带解题思路. 已知函数fx是定义域是R的偶函数,若fx在(0,到正无穷)上是减函数 证明fx在(负无穷,0)上是增函数, 已知函数fx是定义域是R的偶函数,若fx在(0,到正无穷)上是增函数 证明fx在(负无穷,0)上是减函数 9x-5y+z=5 9x+y+4z=14 -9x+3y-5z=-11 《1》x+y=z 《2》7z-(x+y)=2 《3》x+y+z=14 三元一次方程急用,快嚸, 求函数f(x)=x^3-2x^2+2的零点我解到x^2(x-1)-(x-1)(x-2) 解方程:x+z=y (1) ,7z-(x+y)=2 (2) ,x+y+z=14 (3) x+z=y 7z=x+y+2 x+y+z=14 解三元一次x+z=y7z=x+y+2x+y+z=14解三元一次 请帮我修改一下这篇英语演讲稿,有没语法错误Nothing is impossibleHello everyone,before the talk,I want to talk something about Wang Shouren.he had ever said that he wants to be a sage like Confucius.But the only thing he got was the 英语演讲稿!帮我检查下有没有语法错误,并纠正,hi,everybody.Today,i will simply introduce one of my favourite companies--blizzard.Refer to blizzard,we can think of STAR CRAFT,DIOBLO,WARCRAFT ,WORLD OF WARCRAFT and so on so many classi 4x-3y-6z=0 x+2y-7z=0 三元一次方程组4x-3y-6z=0 x+2y-7z=0 (xyz不等于0)求(5x^+2y^-z^)/(2x^-3y^-10z^) 英语 请帮我修改一下演讲稿中的语法错误,明天要用很着急!Introductionof my friendMorning,ladies and gentlemen.Today,I’ll introduce a friend of mineto you.At the first sight of him,I thought he’s so funny.And at the firstheari 帮忙改一个英语演讲稿,由于语法错误啊I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech.Today my topic is “youth”.I hope you will like it,and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.First I want to ask you 检查一下英语演讲稿有没有语法错误I hope our study will be more funnyIn Chinese class,you will always see such a scene.A teacher,holding chalk,facing the blackboard,ever writes a lot of words.The students holding pens,look at the blackb 英语的一道题请问,--Have you got ________ strawberries?A.some B.many C.any 是哪一个? 希腊神话中有哪些故事 希腊神话的故事有什么书是可以看正个过程的故事?又或者电影,或者电视剧,就是想知道希腊神话的整个故事. 希腊神话全部故事有很多 不全 都是一个一个的 谁能给个全的地址看?全部的故事...一定要全上面的问题作废...- 谁的希腊神话写的比较好?那个版本比较好 本人想深入了解一下希腊神话 英语,检查语法错误并改正~You may only be a person in this world,but for someone,you are the world...somehow I feel it faintly familiar to the emotion I am now! 希腊神话小故事既要短,又要清晰! 英语翻译The sun will always remember the moon,no matter how much the moon likes the stars.太阳会一直记得月亮,无论月亮有多么喜爱星星The stars will always remember the sky,no matter how much the sky misses the earth.星星会一 希腊神话的所有人物介绍 和一些故事 -英语上的一道题Cotton_____soft.A.fells B.felt C.is felling D.is felt最好能带解析;答案要准确我没有写错,本题有正确答案。 帮忙检查下这段英文吧,改出语法错误There are many we can recall the moment,these sounds nothing new,but we see when they cry.This drama are" trifles",but it is in these places portrays the characters' personalities,let them become fresh