
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:03:27
现在我们说汉朝、唐朝多强大,但我们大多数人要是在那时都可能是农奴吧? are() books interesting colony collapse disorder 翻译 the colony tx...中文叫什么.rt 韩翃个人简介请帮忙找找韩翃的个人简介,我下星期要讲评的,快点!谢谢 discovery channel 中的The colony 是一个什么样的节目? chinked-out什么意思 The boy____in the teacher's office was found somking yesterday.The boy____in the teacher's office was found smoking esterday.A.standing B.stood求解释啊啊为什么不用stood? if α is a root of the equation 2x^2-3x+3=0 then 4α^2-6α+3=? The number of the integral solution of the equation(x+1)^2+(y-2)^2=50 is If the equation m(x-1)=2011-n(x-2) for x has infinite roots,then m^2011+n^2011=___(英汉小词典:equation方程,infinite roots无数个根) i was about go to sleep my mother telephoned me,这里的about什么意思啊 词组decide on和research on其中的on的意思是? he magicin makes the people in the large box _______ suddenly(appear).我知道答案应该是dissappear,依据是make sb.do sth.,可我疑惑的是,suddenly应该是已经发生的事,又觉得该用过去式, He suddenly became ____ of being watched while spying on his new neighbour from behind a curtain.A.concentrative B.considerate C.conscious D.conscientious这句话意思? he became a dentist in 2000.(保持原句意思)he has ____ ____ a dentist _____ about five years. 今天lucy从她朋友那收到了许多的生日礼物,用英语怎么说? have sth.on造句 test on造句 have a test和have test哪个对? 根据句意填词 The new teacher will come here after he ( ) at school. 同义句转换:He is surprised when he sees the snake on the floorkuai 突然,她变成了一条蛇 Suddenly,she _ _a snake两个空,对了还问下这是什么时态? he made the proposal that we _____ a role play at the English eveninghave.had.will have .have had.为什么用have.我选了will have 英语奥数竞赛题:If a ⊕b =(3×b) then the value of 2+(2×a) ⊕(3⊕5)is 是什么意思,怎么解答? sat2数学的一道题:if f(x)=e^x and g(x)=sin x,then the value of f(g(根号2)) is?7,我不是不会做,我是想知道那个e是什么,在计算器上是哪个键.如果这个e是自然对数的底数,那答案就不是2.7了.能告诉我e到底 If x^5+243=(x+3)(a4x^4+a3x^3+a2x^2+a1x+a0) then the value of a4+a3+a2+a1+a0 is? Nobody at the meeting would (belief) ____ that the new proposal could be carried out.这句话怎么翻译?这里的考点是? the proposal that the project should be completed in one year was rejected at the meeting.请问这里 the project should be 是虚拟语气还是什么?可以讲讲这里的语法点吗? HAVE ON 的用法 We made him a monitor 有没有a We should make a decision whether__(travel)to china or not