
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:31:59
英语翻译speed 英语翻译The parties agree that any University duty to maintain the Apartment is not breached should any delay in performing repairs,interruption,breakdown,or disrepair be due to conditions beyond the University’s control,including,but not limit 求推荐让人自信,积极向上的书籍.越多越好, 淘气的英文怎么读? 它很调皮用英文如何写动物的它哦! 写一句表示人只要对生活有希望,就一定不会轻言放弃的名言警句或诗句.不要太长.急用!就是“还有一个苹果”这篇短文的.问想起了哪些名言警句或诗句. hao old are you hao old are you? hao old are you 这么老是你? Hao old are you?除了问年龄以外, It was only after serious consideration _(他才决定)help the secretary为什么不用倒装? This computer program ______(write) in 2004 These young men have great ______ in computer work.(able)根据所给单词填空 怎样才有成就感 HOW ARE YOU?HAO OLD ARE YOU?.谁能做出正确的翻译?. 036期:顽皮捣蛋实难教,多劳多得心最孝.猜 下这两句能解出什么生肖?最好是今天下午四点前能够回答 如何对待顽皮捣蛋的男孩? 这是一部外国电影,小男孩特别淘气捣蛋,邻居老头很讨厌他.小男孩曾将老头的假牙弄坏,而给其装上了两颗白白大大的口香糖门牙,导致老头在接受记者采访时出丑.后来,老头家在开party时遭遇 The river is so seriously polluted that few fish,_____,can be found alive in it.the river is so seriously polluted that few fish,_____,can be found alive in it.填if any,怎么翻译呢? You can never go into that lake,_____it is badly polluted.a)so b)since c)as d)for 选那个 The Gulf of Mexico is being polluted seriously.That has affected____several hundred kinds of sea接上面animals there A.at least B at once C at birth D at times 选什么, 如果...就...是造句 用所给词语的适当形式填空.It`s a tradition( ) red clothes during the Sping Festival.所给词是wear “饭,几乎忘了吃,他贪的是精神食粮;夜间睡得很少,为了研究,他惜寸阴,分阴”这句话中找三个成语三个成语 雅思词汇书选择的问题我基础还可以,这次六级估计顺利的话就过了,但是复习四六级时我是用的星火的单词书,我觉得这个单词书不错,词根词缀是分类给我的,很方便我记忆,我这个假期准备背 饭,几乎是忘了吃,他贪的是精神食粮;夜间睡得很少,为了研究,他惜寸阴,分阴.用1个成语来概括这句话,即( ) “饭,几乎忘了吃,他贪得是精神食粮;夜间睡得很少,为了研究,他惜寸阴,分阴”用一个成语来概括这句话 ·DRAMA LOVE的歌词中文是什么?谁可以帮我翻译一下啊?我想知道的是全部歌词的中文意思~谁可以翻译啊? Drama love and lationships的歌词 饭,几乎忘记了吃他贪的是精神食粮.这句话的修辞手法 He wants to i_______ his English,so he works hard at it 我国邮政的专用代号0086前两位数字表示什么?