
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:28:34
II.Phonics 辨音(用T/F表示) doll door ( ) down rainbow ( )kilo drink ( ) here hear ( )castle answer ( ) theirs mouth ( )along cross ( ) cushion lunch ( )III.Fill in the blank with a proper verb (用动词的适当形式填空) An old woman lives 求英语大神回答,句子开头的动词为什么有些加ing有些不加?怎样判断英语句子是不是祈使句?怎样学好英语? 英语 that's kind of cloth used to be used to make shirts for children讲解be used to make 没错啦 但是原因是什么?老师讲过但是忘了. 英语翻译3.A:And how's Laura?Is she still sick?B:No,she's not.She's at work today.A:Oh,good.I mean,good she's not sick.请问最后一个good起什么作用,这个句子是个什么句,该如何翻译?4.A:Now,David.(这个now起什么作用,如 求助英语语法/口语/翻译达人,我有3个关于词组和介词的英语问题需要帮忙.【问题一】这个come at是什么意思,是词组还是动词+介词,找来找去没有“付出”类的词义,应该是分开的,求解答,再给 How much is the black and white I do not know what do you mean by your love 英语翻译前者常用,后者刚从一个美剧里看到,说have it easy的人以前都说take,一定有词义的不同,求俚语/习语达人解析 我名字叫雪莹.Cheri,Sheri,Sulri三个名字哪个做英文名比较好? this shirt is expensive 变为一般疑问句怎么改 每一场比赛都是献给Suri的 的英文翻译 有几个字不认识,拼音是什么? 他是什么字:殇.我不认识,希望大家能用拼音打出来 字不认识,求拼音后面的一个是什么字?求拼音 功夫熊猫里面的经典语句!大家帮忙总结功夫熊猫里面的经典语句哦!一楼你可真懒,我不提问,你怎么拿分呀? 如何用拼音打出不认识的字? 有个字不认识,谁给我个拼音谢了“草”字头,下面左边是个“单”,右边是个“斤” After being rescued from the air crash,the people agreed that they had much to ________.A) thankB) be thankedC) be thankfulD) be thankful forAD都对吗? Most people have dreams___ they're being run after and unable to runof which/which/about which/in which选哪个? at least 150 people are believed_in the air crash A to dieBdying C to have diedD having diedat least 150 people are believed_in the air crashA to die B dying C to have diedD having died 应该选神魔呢 为神魔呀 艾薇儿有一首歌的歌词大概是 she is one of the girls nothing but . 这是什么歌 is there a study in your house? 翻译 选择填空 How many ________are there in your house?A study B studies C studys越快越好!越精致越好! Linda thought it was ____ great honor to be chosen to be a volunteer in __ 2012 Longdon Olympic GamesA the the B the a C a the D a a Linda and I am in Peter ’s house now She don't do her homework on Sundays 这两个题 哪里错了并改正大家帮帮忙 英语四六级历年真题 发到我的邮箱miaoandhml@163.com he was a boy,she was a girl 为什么是用was而 不用is这是艾薇儿的 skater boy 的歌词 有谁知道世界各国即首都的英语附加英标(8个国家即可)世界各国即首都的英语附加英标(8个国家即可)急用啊,8个国家最好只要配套(3样),不够8种或超过都行,一定要配套啊,只有1种的(即只有国 70的英文和英标,90的英标,一百的英文和英标 Egypt,a country in Africa,--- for its pyramids.A is well-know Bwhich is famous 我要知道答案.Robert is said ----aboad,but I don't know what country he is studying in.a.to studie