
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 14:09:24
Her name is Kate.(改为否定句)Her name ____ ____Kate.“在我的班”用英语怎么说? 1.翻译词组收到.来信2.用词的适当形式填空She can see qver the wall because of her ________(high)3.句型转换I am keen on sports.(改为同一意思的句子)I ________ _________ __________ sports.Simon enjoy playing rugby and badmint 每答对一题加5分.根据句意和所给的首字母写出所缺单词The old man is very rich.He o______ many supermarkets and factories.The girl often borrows books and m_____ from the library.根据所给的汉语意思,用英语完成下列 a^4+a^3-a-1(因式分解) 因式分解:(a+1)^2-4(a+1)(a-1)+3(a-1)^2=_______拜托各位大神因式分解:(a+1)^2-4(a+1)(a-1)+3(a-1)^2=_______快快! 9.The charmer then held up both her hands,_____答案是D___.A.with her palm to be outwards and five fingers spreadB.palm was outwards and five fingers were spreadC.with palm outwards and five fingers spreadD.palm outwards and five fingers spread 因式分解:(a+1)(a+2)(a+3)(a+4)-120 题:1.Eddie lives not too far away form school .2.It takes her more than half an hour to go to school .3.I often go to school on foot .4.Keep quiet,please!5.We are not allowed to speak Chinese in our Fnglish lessons .6.We must listen to our teachers. 英语解释句子,1.what an interesting story this is!2.let's sing English song,shall we?不是翻译意思,是用英文解释这两句英文。晕吖.... 用英语解释句子、题目如下we showed her some pictures.In the end,he told me the truth. 三道英语的解释句子题1.Why don't you go there by plane?______ _______go there by plane?______ _______going there by plane?(2种)2.These days,you can shop for much French food in large cities in China.These days,you can_____ much French f [急~]一.用英语解释句子 1.What was the weather like the day before yesterday?2.He found it very difficult to sleep. 计算;(-125)*(-25)*(-5)*2*(-4)*8用有理数的乘法解答 很变态的,a^3-1,和a^5+a^4-a^3-a^2两题, -8减去正3 等于多少 因式分解(x+2y)(x-2y)-x+2y 已知:m+n=5,mn=3,则m的平方n-mn的平方等于多少?注意是减 若m-n=-7,mn=5,则(m+n)*(m+n)的值 在探究凸透镜成像规律的实验中,当物体从很远的地方逐渐向透镜靠拢(但始终在焦距之外)时,屏上的像将____(填“放大”或“变小”),像到透镜的距离将___(填“变大”或“变小”). 机械效率问题重为1600N、底面积为0.25m2的物体平放在深井底.已知物体的密度为1600kg/m3,g=10N/kg,若用1000N的拉力通过一个动滑轮就能把物体匀速提上井面,则此动滑轮的机械效率是? 初中物理当中那些属于电磁波,那些又是超声波,次声波,微波,望各位速速回答、、、 四年级口算题卡答案 人教版四年级数学上册口算题卡39-119页答案, 四年级上册人教版口算题卡答案 请速速做答 sinA+cosA=1 则sinA的N次方加cosA的N次方等于几? 若sina+cosa=1,则对任意的正整数n,sinn次方a+cosn次方a的值为? 已知A 是第三象限的角,且sinA的四次方加cosA的四次方等于5/9,则sin2A等于多少? 已知sina-cosa=1/2,则sina的3次方-cosa的3次方= 我要找金牌教练的口算题卡谁有金牌教练的口算题卡武汉大学出版社的! 初二整式乘除与因式分解1.已知△ABC的三边长a,b,c满足关系式-c²+a²+2ab-2bc=0,试说明△ABC是等腰三角形.2.1×2×3×4+1=25=5²;2×3×4×5+1=121=11²;3×4×5×6+1=361=19²...根据上述规律,小强 口算题卡答案