
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 23:59:23
昆明幼儿外教口语机构口语这块的授课模式较好的去那里让人放心? 谁能帮忙解下面的题,来个数学高手吧我题传不了,我是真的很急,谁可以的话,加我扣扣,我愿意给你200的财富值,说到做到 在这 1/2:1/5=1/4:x0.8:4=x:83/4:x=3:1236/x=54/32/9=8/x1.25:0.25=x:1.6 幺儿现在上初中了,昆明幼儿外教口语机构口碑好的 帮我家亲戚问的去欧文怎样? How do you study best? Peter likes music__is very loud and energetic A that B who C whom D /选什么为什么 When he was 14,he was very __famous__ in music.famous 的意思是:interesting,interested,well-known,good是哪一个呢? I can hear you playing the piano.The music is very beautiful,but I'm afraid it's too loud.是什么...I can hear you playing the piano.The music is very beautiful,but I'm afraid it's too loud. 英语翻译With every meal explained to the letter,you might think this classic fad diet must be a perfectly crafted formula capable of helping you shed unwanted weight in record time.The truth is,the only thing you can expect to do on it is starve. With a smile instead of tears in efforts to create the future and work hard hope that this is not to disappoint midterm she mother she ismy mother. She is terrible ( ) maths,括号里面应该填什么? 观察下面的连环漫画,它所反映的政治现象发生在 a 明朝 b 清朝 明朝实行什么民族政策明修长城清修庙 这句话反映了 明朝实行了什么民族政策? Ben住得靠近Jim.Ben______ _______ _______Jim. 我想请问一下Jim比Ben跑的快,英文怎么说? 罗斯福总统为克服危机是怎样调整政策的?如何评价罗斯福新政? 不会英语可以学会C语言并且精通它么?我热爱电脑.想学习C语言可是不会英语或者说英语很差,请问是否可以学会C语言并且精通它么? she is terrible at maths 为什么math加是呢? 明朝设厂卫有什么目的? 明朝的三厂一卫"是哪些 have you forgotten the same story___she is telling.应该填as 还是that?为什么呀 这是什么从句呢 Ben is as old as Peter.改成于原句意义一样 Ben的英文意思是?有谁知道? Since that is so的中文意思 so XXX is XXX that we XXX 等 so XXX is XXX that we 还有XXX enables us to XXX和the more XXX the more XXX.最好能造个句子 that dick is so 成语改错:破鳖千里有可能是对的 也有可能只错一个字 1小亮为赞助"希望工程"现已存款100元,他计划今年三年每月存款10元,存款总数y(单位:元)将随时间x(单位:月)的变化而改变,指出其中的常量与变量,自变量与函数,试写出函数关系式.2判断下列各 (1)已知函数f(x+1)与函数y=3^√x-1(x∈r)的图像关于y=x对称,则f(2)的值为___________(注:"3^√"为立方根符号)(2)过点M(1,2)的直线l将圆(x-2)^2+y^2=9分成两段弧,其中的劣弧最短时,l的方程为_______(3)已知球的