
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:52:23
帮我写一篇英语作文,题目如下 写一篇初二水平的英语作文,假设你是Peter,请根据下面的表格提示,以My life in ten years为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,可适当发挥.Name:PeterJob:a computer programmerHow to do that:get good grades;study computer 你想的是我吗?用英语怎么说? 八年级物理人教版下册35页动手动脑学物理第三题雷击造成人身伤亡的短文 谁给我写一篇 help sb with sth造句只要2个就好 "你指的是什么"英语怎么说 新目标八年级英语P8 2B求新目标八年级英语P8 2B 帮我写一篇英语作文,水果沙拉味道鲜美,请根据提示,描述制作水果沙拉的全过程.(1材料苹果、梨、葡萄、香蕉(2去皮,切成小块,装进盘子里(3加沙拉、糖和盐(4混合、搅拌:(5把葡萄放 指;摸用英语怎么说 10枝圆珠笔需要放进几个文具盒,才能保证至少有一个文具盒里有4枝或4枝以上的圆珠笔 10枝圆珠笔需要放进几个文具盒,才能保证至少有一个文具盒里有4枝或4枝以上的圆珠笔?思路! 10枝圆珠笔需要放进几个文具盒,才能保证至少有一个文具盒里有4枝或4枝以上的圆珠笔?算式, 急需!连词成句!初一英语题、有悬赏!一、连词成句1、twenty,is,teacher,students,in,classroom,there,a,and,the2、your,job,what,father's,is3、I,in,classroom,my,have,friends,four,new4、nurse,is,your,a,mother?5、English,in,is,what,thi 面对生活的暴风雨,海燕的课后题第四题,句子要优美一些. 面对生活中的暴风雨我们怎样做? 你知道相册里哪一个是我吗?的英语怎么说? 根据答句写问句( )I usually gou to bed at 9:50 p.m.( )No,theyread books every day.( )Yes,I play computer in the in the evening.( )No,I have breakfast ai 7:20.( )I do homework at shool.( )I go to shool at 7:45 in the mroning. 一、根据答句写问句1----( )National Day is on October 1st2——( )They are cows3——( )This is Mary‘s invitation4——( )It’s in the bin5——( )They are in the City Part 看答句,写问句 My father goes to Hong Kong by train.You can get to the cinema on foot.No,you can't go to the park on foot.Yes,his mother goes to work by bus.Yes,there is a bus stop near the park 看答句写问句1.( For dinner tonight?We've got some good meat.2.( Yes,they like fruit,but they don't like vegetables.3.( No,I don't like beer,but I like wine.4.( For her birthday?She wants a new leather handbag. 公共英语四级和大学英语六级哪个更难一些,那个社会认可度高我是在校大专生,想考六级... 公共英语四级相当于大学英语六级吗? 是不是必须通过公共英语四级才能考公共英语六级?如题 我的公共英语四级差2分 能不能报公共英语六级? 天天好心情我只在乎你用英语怎么说 三,将所给的问句与答句配对,将答案写在横线上,并翻译句子.1、Will this plant grow? A Yes,they will.2、What will happen? B.It needs water,soil and light.3、Will the robots clean the lamps? C No,there won 面对人生中的“暴风雨”你该怎么做 牛郎织女阅读短文答案)《牛郎织女》片断 一天,牛郎去喂牛,那头(衰 蓑)老的牛又讲话了,眼眶里满是泪花.它说:“我不能帮你们下地干活了!咱们快分手了.我死了以后,你把我的皮剥下 牛郎织女作文续写500字左右要求:生动有趣 任时光匆匆流去,我只在乎你.英语怎么说如题 根句问句写答句,怎样写? 根据问句写答句A:B;i like winter bestA; B;The man in blue is my fatherA; B;The pens are eighty yuan A; B;We go to school at seven in the morningA; B;I'd like some coffee "我不在乎你对她怎样,我只在乎你对我怎样." 英语