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选择题第16题选什么为什么呢 ●●●●●一道英语选择题15●●●●●17No news _____ good news.A.is B.seems C.have D.has为什么不是seems 有语法错误吗? ●●●●●一道英语选择题14●●●●●17I do like“Chinese _____”.A.take away B.take-aways C.taken away D.take aways Scientists have many theories about how the universe ____into bing.A:came B:was coming C:had come D:would come 为什么啊,D为什么就不可以呢! 17 19 16 这个对吗 英语选择题16-2516.-What did the teacher say just now?-Sorry.I didn't catch it.I______something else.A.think B.will think C.was thinking D.had thought17.The dress ________smooth and soft.A.felt B.feels C.is felt D.is feeling18.-How often ______yo 英语选择题12--16 16-21 I wish that we ____ in a world where there ____ less pollution and smaller population.A. live; were B. lived; wereC. lived; are D. live; are 一道英语选择题22Young______the girl was,she was able to do the work on her ownA althoughC though是不是 though as 引导的让步状语从句多用于倒装语序,所以这里though as 都可以 英语 (18 17:26:23)Writing courses differ from others _______ they cannot be completed successfully through textbook study alone.A.in that          B.for which        ●●●●●一道英语选择题18●●●●●18The old man has two _____.A.son-in-law B.sons-in-law C.son-in-laws D.sons-in-laws 12 13 14 15 15题. 英语选择题15道1.there are two mooncakes on the table.the one( )nuts is small.( )is big.A.in;Another B.with;the other C.in;the other D.with;Another2.( )nice this skirt is!Yes,it's( )than mine.A.How;nice B.What;nice C.How;nicer D.What a;n 这15道英语选择题选什么?He married the girl _ went to the same school.who B.which C.where D.whoseThis question is so difficult that I could_do it.hard B.hardly C.easily D.easyLisa wants to make frieds_as many people on campus as possible.at 英语15道选择题1.The new technique will __________ us to double our production.A.persuade B.engage C.arrange D.enable2.It was not until December 31 __________ we heard from him.A.which B.when C.that D.then3.— There’s someone knocking at the 15道英语选择题1,Telephone me this evening,I __________at home thenA,will be B,am about to be C,would D,plan to be2,There is no one to answer the phone.What__________?A,shall we do B,will we do C,do we do D,are we doing3,I __________ the lecture 13,14,15 选择题13.14.15,七年级地理 1.隋代以前地方长官可以自选僚属组成行政机构,但隋代以后“大小之官,悉由吏部,纤介之迹,皆属考功”由此可见,隋代(C)A.实行了科举制 B.加强的君主专制 C.加强了中央集权 D.三省六部制约 下列是历史课本剧《屋大维》中的台词,其中符合历史逻辑的是(D)A.上帝帮助我战胜敌人 B.自由民都是罗马的公民C.我是共和国的缔造者 D.我是元老院的首席元老 13、 刘大勇同学准备研究古代一些历史专题,他拟定了这样一些课题:①从《诗经》看赵国民风与齐国民风特点②对《史记》和《汉书》中汉武帝治国政策研究③《齐民要术》中玉米等农业生 2012年九月11日,日本政府不顾中国的强烈反对实行所谓“钓鱼岛国有化”,企图否定全球反法西斯战争胜利结果,反映了日本的本质意图的是A 日本帝国主义侵略中国B 中日两国同处东亚不免发摩 许多学者认为,秦朝的建立标志着官僚政治取代过去的贵族政治,根据所学知识判断,“官僚政治”的最基本特点应该是A、颁布《秦律》,依法治国 B、官员由皇帝直接任免 C、丞相掌握大权 D、 1875年,徽州富溪人谢正安创制“黄山毛峰”,并与英国茶商建立了长期合作关系,其间谢裕大茶庄曾成为徽州府茶商之首,到了1915以后茶庄开始走下坡路.该茶庄出现衰败的原因有①第一次世界大 我现在是高三复习阶段! 淮河流域治理工程已正式启动,其中某项公工,若由甲、乙两个建筑队合做,6个月可以完成,若由甲、乙两队单独做,甲队比乙对少用5个月完成.(1)甲、乙两队单独完成这项公程各需几个月时间?〔2 如果m+n≠0,且(m分之x-n)=2-(n分之x-m),则x=?解关于x的方程 2ax-(3a-4)=4x+3a+6 某商店销售一批服装,每件售价150元,可获利25%.求这种服装的成本价. 七年级数学应用题(列方程组就行了)和填空题(说答案)1、甲.乙在小河边牧羊,甲说如果你给我9只羊,那么我的羊的数量比你的羊多一倍;乙说如果你给我9只羊,我俩的羊九一样多了.请问