
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:45:21
I hate this world,and the world of the vulgar. in the afternoon可以写成in afternoon吗? No sooner ____ he arrived ____ he fell ill.A.has;then B.had;then C.had;than D.did;than为什么不选D? 谁知道英语中car和van的区别?麻烦知道的朋友帮我解答一下! 最近几年,国内各种van型车(厢型车)的销售量主要是想了解以下几个品牌的van型车(厢型车)的近年来的销量:Fiat/Iveco 菲亚特Ford Transit 福特全顺Chang'an utility 长安Foton utility 福田DFAC utility 15 seats Van是什么车 HAR VAN 汽车之家怎么样 you got balls,but no brains. l have so got brains(翻译) When I at last arrived,the bus had left.(改为同义句) 侬切van了伐?在上海话中是啥意思?瓜三在上海话中是啥意思? 到底有多少人玩梦幻西游? 梦幻燃烧之光什么?可以秒人吗 人的梦境是怎么形成的? On Saturday Afternoons in 1963 歌词请英语达人把下面的歌词翻译下,The most as you'll ever go Is back where you used to know If grown-ups could laugh this slow Where as you watch the hour snow Years may go by So hold on to your special f by the afternoon与in/on the afternoon有什么区别 巴金其人 瓜蔓,蔓子怎么读 vulgar音标谢谢 是不是在任何情况下,who 都可以取代whom? 不,不是的英语 Tom always have some fruit before he has lunch.保持句意 Tom always have some fruit__ __lunch. Don't worry,Mum.We have ____ safely.A.reached B.arrived C.got to D.arrived in 选哪个?为什么? 什么情况下who不能代替whom (x^2cos^2x-sin^2x)/x^2cos^2xsin^2x (x->0)lim (x^2cos^2x-sin^2x)/x^2cos^2xsin^2x (x->0)=lim [cos^2x-(sin^2x/x^2)]/cos^2xsin^2x=lim (cos^2x-1)/sin^2x=lim -sin^2x/sin^2x=-1这样解错在哪啊?小弟感激不尽 已知函数f(x)=sin(2x+θ)+sin(2x-θ)+2cos^2x+a,其中a,θ为常数,且该函数图像经过点(5π/12,a+1).(1)求函数f(x)的最小正周期和对称轴;(2)指出f(x)的图像可由y=sin(x+π/6)的图像怎样变换得到;(3)若x∈[ 下列各句中,“在”为副词的是( )A、他在车上.B、他在车上看书.C、他在看书.D、他在认真看书.多选,请大虾指教,给出答案并分析原因, 没有心字底恙是什么字没有心字底怎么打出来晕 我没有见过这个字我会问?在游戏中有人用这个字 我打不出来 不认识 1.After 20 days' travel,I arrived s____ here.2.We o__ a picnic last Sunday.3.I'd like to s___ a snow globe collector's club.4.We have a large s____ of cabbages for the winter.5.The basket was made of b___.6.He listened to the report without c_____.7. Boot Sequence是什么意思?1、CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive2、Diskette Drive3、Internal HDD4、USB Storage Device5、 Onboard Nic以上5项分别是什么意思? 什么是Nelson-Denny英语水平测试? 指出下列句子中的副词.1,蓝制服上尽是油渍和铁锈.2,天色渐暗,丁淞整理好了标本,点点数目,关电灯.3,我自己的性格素来是倔强的,这一次把我磨炼够了.4,中国将变为一个强大的国家.5,他们