
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:34:42
1.I am 12 year old.(变成特殊疑问句)2.My favourite hobby is _reading_.(对划线部分提问)3.My mother works as a chinese teacher(用连词把句子变成一个句子)4.I am _in_the_middle_of_our_classroom_ (对划线部分提问) 2011 ,I am eighteen years old this year. 在宾馆对面没有一家超市.英文翻译 我没学过英语, 桥名称的由来 一些桥的名称的由来上海朱家角的放生桥. 桥名称由来 有关桥名称的由来 关于桥名称的由来了解一些桥的名称的由来,如西湖的断桥,上海朱家角的放生桥等. 哪首歌里有do you love me 的歌词 爸爸去哪儿I Love You音译歌词 英语题 求学霸解答! 喜欢是什么.我爱的人.喜欢着我的朋友 MY brithday is coming.i hope you can come to my party()that day All of us hope you____(come)to my birthday party Tomorrow is my birthday .I hope you ()(come)to my birthday party 动词填空. 英语翻译A teacher was worried that her students might not know about Jesus Christ.She wanted to make sure they undertood that the birth of Jesus happened for reel.She asked her class,"Where is Jesus today?" Steven put up his hand and said,"He is 孙中山走上革命道路的标志是什么 5.促使孙中山由改良走上革命道路的重大事件是 A.公车上书 B.百日维新 C.中日甲午战争 D.八国联军侵华战争 孙中山怎样走上革命道路? 1.孙中山进行革命活动开始的标志是什么2.孙中山晚年发生了怎样的转变3.应当怎样评价孙中山的一生 kitty,would you like to come to my birthday party this sunday afternoon 回答为什么是yes,thanks?2·还有,this pair of toursers is so beautifui 不是一条吗?为什么may i put them on用的是双数?还有3·像houses horses 等ses的辨音 Can you come to my birthday party this evening?A No,i cannot B Yes,i'd love to C I think so D I hope i can我个人觉得是B I hope you can come to my party this Sunday.(改为同意句) Can you come to my birthday party ( )next SundayA:in B:on C:at D:/ Can youcome to my birthday party this Sunday?(做肯定回答) _____._____ ______ _______.Can you go to the shop with me?(做否定回答?_____,______ _____.I have to help my mom. 求somebody that i used to know空间链接^^ 求 somebody that i used to know空间链接 =-= Somebody That I Used To Know 歌词 Somebody that i used to know伴奏求伴奏啊QAQ要原版的谢谢! 我想要自学英语在一年内到英语四级 应该怎么学捏 英语翻译Why Do You Love MeI'm no barbie doll I'm not your baby girl I've done ugly things and I have made mistakes And I am not as pretty as those girls in magazines I am rotten to my core if they're to be believed So what if I'm no baby bird han