
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:46:03
用“多么``````,``````像``````.”造句 .多么像.多么像造句 “文景之治,贞观之治,康乾盛世”分别有那些攻击分点回答哦"功绩",不是“攻击” My mom _ (cook) dinner for us now. “会当凌绝顶,一览众山小.表达的的思想感情” michelle翻译成中文是什么意思? 根据对话内容,完成对话:A:______,are you a student here?B:Yes,I am.A:I want to go ____ my classroom.Can you help me,please?B:Ok.Are you______ _______?A:Yes,I am.My name is Jim._______your name?B:My name is Chen Feng.Are you English?A:No,I 根据内容完成对话Fine,( ) .Excuse me,Tom.( )this?It is a book can you ( ) it?( ).B-O-O-K,book Thank( ).( ) welcome,Goodbye ( ) 根据内容,完成对话 完成对话内容We are having an English lesson now.We ___ ___ a guessing game.Look,li lei___ ___in front of the classroom and he____ ____an actionZhang hua asks him"____you____a bike?''"No,I'm not.''answers li lei.Gao hui asks,"____you____a car''? canyon是什么意思 ANTELOPE CANYON怎么样 多么.多么.简直像造句 形容canyon的单词 用:多么……多么………,简直像……….造句! 自行车itt mft分别是什么?求科普还有别的名词没? valley,gorge & canyon这三个词都有峡谷的意思,请问区别在哪里? 已知函数fx=(x-a)|x-2|,gx=2根号x+x-2 某数的2倍比它的1/4大7,这个数是几.急用! 一个数的4.5倍比他本身大7,求这个数 发生泥石流前有哪些预兆哟? 已知x=3t+1,y=2t-1,用含x的式子表示y,其结果是() 泥石流没有预兆吗?我想毕竟是泥应该有一定的固态不容易被移动吧?若移动得慢人们可能就会得救了,但看曲舟那个情况,人们根本就不能逃生啊,有没有懂地理的,说一下泥石流的形成,流动的快 泥石流前兆及原因泥石流发生前为什么会出现泉水停止的现象 my ash is like grand canyon the young tree si tied to the strong tree in case that it bends there is applicated with the given filename extensions I managed to get it by the time that we walked into the store. 7 7 8 8 加符号=24 泥石流的前兆?泥石流的前兆是什么样子啊?》 8 7 1 17 23=24请添符号,谢谢! This application is temporarily over its serving quota.Please try again