
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 15:40:02
what do you have for dinner 和I have tomatoes eggplants 翻译成中文 陈太丘与友期行是《世说新语》的哪一章我在方正篇没找到呢 世说新语解释钟毓兄弟小时,值父昼寝,因其偷服药酒.其父时觉,且托寐以观之.钟毓而后引,会饮而不拜.既而问毓何以拜,毓曰:“酒已成礼不敢不拜.”又问会何以不拜,会曰:“偷本非礼,所以 世说新语的解释陈元方年十一岁时,袁公问曰:“贤家君在太丘,远近称之,何所覆行?”元方曰:“老父在太丘强者绥之以德弱者抚之以仁恣其所安久而益敬.”袁公曰:“孤往者尝为邺令,正行 田园乐写景方面有哪些特点 田园乐 其六 在写景方面运用了什么表现手法 作文 旅行 600字横式结构 记叙文,快 You won't be alone and I will always be 最好其他科也要 what do you have ____ dinner?填空 what do you have for dinner?回答怎么说? What do you have for ( )after dinner是d打头的 What time do you have dinner?意思 what do you have for dinner?what about( A.some chicken B.going shoppingC.some tea D.buy things五分钟内给我 Knowing a lot of languages____him to make many friends across the worldA.helps B.help C.helping D.to help 从以下词语中至少选6个,写一段话坚毅,荡漾,燃烧,蔓延,无处不在,与其……不如,奇异,居然,渲染,高昂,恍然大悟,虽然……但是.就是以上词语,这是小学寒假作业,辅导不了,希望各位高人多多帮 Diclk made it ( )to all his friends.Ato know Bknown C know Dknowing Knowing several languages-----(help)him to make friends across the world 我最喜欢的一本书和一篇课文 作文 500字左右 把喜欢的理由写具体 the baby died later that night...那天后半夜婴儿死了..经常见的是时间点+later,这个难道是病句吗?而且 later是以后的意思,按字面翻译应是 那晚上以后呀 这个后半夜怎么出来的 he seems to know the news(改为同义句)XXXX XXXX XXXX he knows the news He seems ________ the old lady.A.knowing B.to be knowing C.to know D.to be know Su Yan seems to know the news.(同义句) that's all night 能否译为没关系,在什么情况下用 that's because you were up all night drinking. up在这儿怎么讲? that\'s all,thanks是什么意思 That's all,thank you. that's right.和that's all rght意思一样吗 what pains us trains us翻译成中文是什么意思 各具特色的民居答案好了 再给70分 英语翻译上下文说兔子 What's happen?