
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:19:15
It's about six thousand seven hundred kilometres. Chinese medicine翻译成中文 China中文怎么翻译 绿箭侠主要内容的翻译 拥有上亿身价的Oliver Queen遭遇严重的游船事故.在失踪并宣布死亡绿箭侠主要内容的翻译拥有上亿身价的Oliver Queen遭遇严重的游船事故.在失踪并宣布死亡5年后,被发现 英语作文 《我的暑假》《 我的愿望》简单一点,十句话便可,我的愿望是当医生. 英语翻译Black holes on a collision course Scientists say Chandra provides first evidence that two such mysteries can coexist in one galaxy.、 In a very bright galaxy 400 million light-years away,two black holes are drifting toward each other and 天空为什么是蓝色的呢? 天空为啥是蓝色的? 求我的暑假英语作文,四道五句话格式.带汉语. 英语翻译求翻译 Everyone in china likes dumpings very much,and there are many different kinds of dumpings.some have meat and vegetable in them,and other have sugar,eggs and pork more than any other kind 英语翻译 everyone in china likes the spring festival very much.翻译, 为什么在太空中看到的天空是黑的,而我们看到的却是蓝的? 为什么宇宙是黑的?而地球的天空是蓝的?大气层以内天空是蓝或白的,而宇宙是黑的.这是为什么? 我们都知道宇宙是黑色的,为什我们见到的天空是蓝色的呢? Have you finished your work?—No()A.not yet B.not untilCalreadyDnever 2篇关于电影的英语作文10句话左右,初二水平要有翻译 have you already finished your work?这个already能加强语气么 你写完了作业么?Have you finished your homework?为什么是have done而不是have been doing? “I have finished my homework.”我的作业已经完成.have been finished和had finished什么区别I have finished my homework能否写成I had finished my homework.意思有什么不同.嗯、、同义句是My home had been finished.还是My ho —Have you finished your work?—No,_____A.not yetB.not stillC.not alreadyD.not any more尽量说明原因好吗? 按照例句写句子.一切景语皆情语.我看鹰击长空,感受到勇于搏击的力量:我看( ),感受到( ).我看( ),感受到( ). 按例句写句子 根据例句的特点写句子例:柳枝染上了嫩绿,在春风里尽情摇摆,舒展着自己的腰身.【 】 some people read for knowledge while others read for p_____ 看例句,写句子 Why people like to read or write poems?为什么人们喜欢读诗或写诗?请用英语来回答这个问题!简单几句话即可,至少三个理由吧.不要太多太生僻的单词,适合高中生表达. 怎么写童谣如题请问怎么写啊?我要方法哦,能帮到我的.网友们, Have you (forget) to bring your home -work to school Who did you _________ the wall yesterday?>> A. have painted B. have paint C. have to paint D. have 请问选哪个,理由呢?谢谢! You are supposed___the work yesterday but you forgot.A.to finish B.to be finishing C.to have finished D.had finished I should have goneto the dentist yesterday but I forget all about it句子可以变成 i should go to the dentist yesterday but I forget all about it.说下理由