
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 07:10:35
苏东坡哪些诗句最能表达他对亲人的美好情感?嗯.急死我了 有什么描述心情很好的诗句关于春天的,文雅一些的古诗或现代诗或美丽的句子~ 英语翻译:西宁铁路一中用英语怎么说 I didn’t have enough money _______ a taxi,so I had to walk _______ home.A.to;to B.for;to C.to;/ D.for;/ "I had to walk home yesterday:I had no money for my fare." "You______me l I could have lent you the money!" (2 分)A.ought to tellB.must have toldC.must tellD.should have told When I left the shopping centure,I had______ money with me and had to walk home.A.few B.a few C.litWhen I left the shopping centure,I had______ money with me and had to walk home.A.few B.a few C.little D.a little They (spend) all the money,so they have to walk home.括号里的词用什么时态 I ___ all the money shopping,so I had to walk home yesterday.A.to away B.run out of C.toI ___ all the money shopping,so I had to walk home yesterday.A.to away B.run out of C.to off D.got out of 选B的话,没过去式,你说选哪个? 秋天的叠词成语要AABC式的 在训练过程中 用英语怎么说 为什么说人类最大的智慧就是等待和希望?这是大仲马《基督山伯爵》中的一句话.我一直不太明白,是说人要永远有追求,永远对未来充满信心吗?这是应该的呀,为什么还最大的智慧呢? 人类所有的智慧可以归结为两个词 — 等待和希望who says 在上帝垂顾,为人类揭开未来之前,人类的全部智慧都包含在这两个词语中:这就是”等待”和”希望”.”是基督山伯爵里哪一章的 对未来的事物或人的全图有所希望和等待表示什么词语词语 形容人特笨,笨,有点笨,有点聪明,聪明,特聪明等两字词语,每一种希望能多几个~ I have no money(同义句) I didn't have enough money to buy such a big house.同义句I —— —— —— buy such a big house.He seems to have missed that train.(同义句)------ ------ that he ------ missed that train.The dresses in that shop are either too big or too i have no place to live in.同义句.i have()to live. many animals have no place to live in的同义句many animals___ have___ place to live inany不是+复数吗为什吗place 物美价廉用英语怎么说? 秋成语有哪些 秋的成语有哪些 描写秋天的成语有哪些 I don't have enough 忘记了 I don't have enough money? 朋友这个词到底是什么词啊?1.褒义词2.贬义词3.中性词分别阐释理由 “朋友”这个词语是什么意思 怎么理解朋友这个词我和我的一个朋友是三年的初中同学,现在我们在一起工作,在一起住,但是他太让我生气,现在我们成了普通的朋友,但是我觉得我很难受,以前是多么好的朋友,呵呵,不好意 你们怎么理解朋友这个词如题我现在很烦恼,为什么我真心相对得到的却是相反的结果.朋友这两个字太难理解了,要想交到一个真心的朋友也太难了.经过了很多事情我理解了:日久见人心这句 我正在陶醉于音乐中用英语怎么说? 我一直沉睡在那优美的音乐中用英语怎么说 i don't have money with me如果翻译成我身上没钱 可以不?用on me错不?