
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:18:15
I don't know how___to mt teacher to ask for three___sick leaveA.write,days B.to write,days's C.write,days's D.to write,days' Now i’m writing to ask for sick leave.这句话的意思是什么? The color of my coat is different from ____ of yours.A.this B.that C.it D.one 英文nice是什么意思? Wilsom was surprise to find that there was only one other guest except himself .有错误的地方 整句话中文是:Tom was frightened to find that there was only one other guest bisides him himselfTom很害怕除了他以外,只有一个客人. One person say game over the other one only can except`` do you know the way to sp中文翻译是怎么翻译呢?你知道去那个地发的路吗?还是你知道去那边的方法? Are these my gloves?(肯定回答) Yes,———— ———— These gloves are my father's改为一般疑问句比作否定回答 She read some nice p---?--- and dance round us in the classroom )里填啥 Each of the stocking s ___ full of presents.A.is B.are C.have D.has neither none的用法 有什么不同 英语 neither、none用法问题用and连接的两复数单词,后面应用neither还是none? Most of the workers are free on weekend.(同义句转换) Most of the workers___ weekends_____ 我想了解下 目前切尔诺贝利状况 如何? 那座城市 现在还有人居住吗?核辐射值是不是依然很高! 3:05英语怎么表达,不能用past或to,用三个单词表达 塞翁失马这则寓言通过_____、________、________(用四字短语概括)什么三件事形象地表达了“祸兮福所倚,福兮祸所伏”的道理? neither 用法他们都没去,怎么翻?neither of them went.还是 neither of them did go.为什么?google里面,neither of them did go 翻译的是他们都没去.可是好像不对劲,neither either 用法是什么? 新疆有哪些地方适合人居住? 全球最适合人居住的是哪些地方? 求hot summer手机铃声,从hot summer oh hot summer 开始~ This is his pencil sharpener 改为一般疑问句和否定句怎么改? 谁帮我翻译成英文:客户维护? 英语翻译下面一句话 主要的工作职责是开发和维护客户 臭豆腐为什么闻起来臭吃起来香 为什么臭豆腐闻起来臭,吃起来香? 为什么臭豆腐闻起来很臭 吃起来很香! To his surprise,the man found shark fins---from banquet menu in this restaurant.A .having been removed B,removed C,to be removed D .being removed 为啥不选A [-C6] He said he had gone home ______ .A.two days agoB.two days beforeC.the day before yesterdayD.last week翻译包括选项并分析 We are going on a ___(pcniic)with a group of freds 怎么写? I'm going on a picnic with a group of _f____.