
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 22:44:04
besides the water,a plant takes up such parts of the soil as are dissolved in the water.这句话用到了什么语法项目,有什么固定的词组吗 (拍照)的英语怎么写呢? it takes up such parts of the soil as are dissolved in the water植物还吸收土壤中的那些溶于水的东西这句的such 和as不太明白什么意思,such是那些?as相当于which? 同意句改写 China attach great importance to water protection and takes it as the state's stratery改为:China 3空the state's stratery空一格she attaches great importance to water protection. coupling agent偶联剂;偶合剂这俩个有什么区别么?什么时候称为联,什么时候称为合?化工词典看了,分不清, coupling with这个词组是什么意思啊~?怎么用? 甲数是乙数的62.5%,甲数与乙数的最简整数比是( ). Kamlock coupling 如何翻译? DOCUMENTARY STORYTELLING SECOND EDITION怎么样 NATIONS AND NATIONALISM SECOND EDITION怎么样 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 101 SECOND EDITION怎么样 INTRODUCTION TO ALGORITHMS SECOND EDITION怎么样 甲数是乙数的百分之62.5,甲数与乙数的最简整数比是? 英语(添字)drink put meat cut vegetables cook water vegetables1.Wash the ________and the ________.2.________the meat and the________into small pieces.3.________the meat and the vegetables in a pan.4.Add some ________and salt.5.________slowly for h 请教拍照片“自拍”这个词英文怎么拼, 记叙文的写作特点有哪些 十七大胡锦涛的报告题目 如何分析一篇记叙文的写作特点? The singer was at the height of his (popular) at that time. well跟good,nice怎么用 he turned his attention to the printing a while it was 35 times thatb scarecely it was 35 times that c it was not until he it was 35 times that d no sonner it was 35 that 我知道这个应该考的是倒装.但是,这些倒装好像都不对啊.. 有甲乙两项工程,徒弟单独完成甲要9天完成乙要12天.师傅单独完成甲要3天完成乙要15天两人合作最少几天完 徒弟完成甲工程要9天完成乙工程要12天师傅完成甲工程要3天完成乙工程要15天问两人最少几天完成?一定要正确 分别为下例音标找出五个发此音的单词./b/,/p/,/d/, /t/,/k/,/g/老师布置的作业,望能得到帮助,感激不尽! show time中的show是动词还是名词 关于「b」「p」「t」「d」音标的英语单词,每个音标4个单词 STRUCTURE AND INTERPRETATION OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS SECOND EDITION怎么样 COMPUTER SYSTEMS怎么样 operating systems的中文意思 [boot loader]、[operating systems]啥意思 when you're gone怎么读 burst into tears为什么主语是she等也不加s?