
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:39:46
自己没有品管经验,去电子厂应聘品管,应怎样面试啊? 英语(补全句子):The chameleonis( )than the snake the tiger is terrible than the snake 一句英文,此句子里than用的对吗?They granted loans to merchants with the understanding than if a particular shipment of goods was lost at sea,the loan didn't have to be repaid. 表示一类人时,谓语动词通常用复数形式;但如果表示某类抽象的事物时,谓语动词则用单数.这句话什么意思.在the false sometimes seems more ……为什么seem要加s 品控 品管质检哪个好一点 Mrs Brown gave him her new address so that he ___be able to find her easily.would/must His parents want to know more about his school{ } incollege mrs.lam _____ that her children would _____ of in this boarding school.A.assured/take good careB.assured/have taken good careC.was assured/be taken good careD.was assured/be taking good care 一个女孩给我留言:东边日出西边雨,道是无晴却有晴?以前我追过他~但是没成功~如果我喜欢他 用什么诗回答: 如何解决太阳能热水器传感器失效?电极传感,水垢多了后,会失效,太阳能热水器用什么传感器受水垢影响最少?兄弟,太阳能里面不能煮山腰,也不能放苏打的。我是指的户外太阳能热水器 下列哪个山脉既是地势阶梯分界,又是省区界线呢?巫山 天山 长白山 武夷山 “玫瑰王国”是指哪个国家?罗马尼亚 保加利亚 法国 英国 以下哪个是甲骨文的发现地?洛阳 安阳 南阳 信阳 明代小 我国的一些山脉正好处在两省的分界限上,下列山脉是哪些省份的分界限?太行山在( )与( )分界线上武夷山在( )与( )分界线上祁连山在( )与( )分界线上 Jim wants to go boating and his parents want to go boating too.(同义句转换)Jim wants to go boating,and ______ ______his parents “三通”、“九二共识”等特定词语的含义说明白点儿~别扯到历史古代~就这么办~俺高兴大大有赏~ --------tomatoes and cucmbers?That would be fineA.How much B.How many C.How are d.How about that would be fine &that is fine 的区别是什么. A Good Friend of Mine 英语作文 英语翻译Thom Yorke :I'm a rabbit in your headlightsScared of the spotlightYou don't come to visitI'm stuck in this bedThin rubber gloves She laughs when she's cryingShe cries when she's laughingFat bloody fingers are sucking your soul away...(Awa your body A place to stay for a long time,feeling a little lack,want to go home Tt's necessary to give your rabbit clean water 的祈使句是什么 he has to show the school report to his parents改为一般疑问句 ( ) l do have to show the school report to my parents,miss king?yes,you do.do may does can __ I have to show the school report to my parents,Miss King?yes,you do .A Must .B.Do.C Can.D __ I have to show the school report to my parents,Miss King?yes,you do .A Must .B.Do.C Can.D.May.如何翻译. Would you ____ the school report to your parents and ___ their answer?A.bring take B.bring bringC.take take D.take bring 首字母填空:Lucy is a c friend of mine "they looked for a place to stay"用错了吧?(源于教科书)我认为stay后应加in 同样的,“the places that earthquake often happens”也用错了吧?还是place这个词特殊. 让我们来讨论一下,谢了 关于语言描写的作文不多不少400字 《我的奶奶》语言描写作文 为什么单词reuse的音标中会有一个逗号 英语音标中的逗号是什么意思?