
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:29:31
请帮我把“这次考试没考好”和“争取下次取得好成绩”翻译成英文, 贾府姐妹中,元春的父亲是谁?迎春的父亲是谁?探春的父亲是谁?惜春的父亲是谁? which one 与 which的区别is bagger ,the moon or the earth a what b who c which one d which which和which one的区别如:() is better?The girl or the boy?用哪个?再加个what which ones will come true?为什么one要加s 英语短语不扎实,给个初中英语所有短语,例如:play football with sb.的,最好再来些那些单词前加什么,哪些不加什么,哪些原形... 我现在是高二下了!我想努力读书了 但是我高一的基础都不是很好 !都是半读半玩这样的!要怎么读书啊! 特别是英语和物理 教教我 给我制定的计划 ! 关于写孝顺父母的文章 我想一直保持努力学习,付出别人无法想象的努力,但又没法平衡好和劳逸结合的关系高中里老师说大家智商都差不多的,只是努力程度不同.我听完后就下定决心高中要好好努力考上好大学,但 孝顺父母的作文怎么写? Neither of the novels which ____popular with us___been translated into Chinese.A:is,have B:are ,haveC:are,hasD:is,has为什么选C呢?怎么前面是are后面又是has呢?是不是有什么就近原则的什么原因呢? 带鼎字的成语和解释?急需啊!一定要是常见的有解释的哦!谢谢喽! 鼎字成语并要解释(10个)同上! 急需英语小对话!请用下列词汇编一个对话.1.cough high-temperature take a rest medicine 2.injure leg medicine don't move以上分别是两个对话.3.假设你昨天晚上参加了一个好朋友的生日聚会,你吃 人物性格特征《茶馆》中王利发,常四爷,秦仲义这三个人的性格特征是什么? 《茶馆》中王利发的性格特征 分析中王利发的人物形象. 话剧 《茶馆》中王利发,常四爷,秦仲义这三个人的性格特征是什么? A group of professional people asked a group of 4 to 8 year-olds to think about the question,“What does love mean?” The (1) they got were broader and deeper (2) anyone could have imagined.“When someone loves you,the (3) they say your name is di 大家帮我添几个英语单词1:They t( ) a taxi to their hotel.2:HOw many p( ) of sokes do you have?3:Atrain is f( ) than a bus but slower than an airplane. 对话, whyare western festivals moreimportant in China?也可以用情人节举例说明 王熙凤在抄检大观园中详细的性格分析要很详细的,有具体例子和具体分析,谢谢!记住是只在抄检大观园的范围. 有“鼎”字的成语并解释5个以上 《饮酒》其五的主题速度 答案准确有追加悬赏 饮酒阅读理解既然结庐在人境为何没有车马喧 饮酒其五5首都低有 唐诗中,李商隐的作品《蝉》是用来比喻自己什么品格 要升初中了,要怎么预习呀 【急】改错My family has got a new computer recently.That's the very thing trouble me.I don't likeMy family has got a new computer recently.That's the very thing trouble me.I don't like it ,though it has a program that lets my parents to control 假如把大地比做一张弓的话,那么这棵银杏树就是一支射向蓝天的剑.这句话运用了什么修辞手法?急