
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 02:19:00
lots of同义词 we have got some orange juice at home否定句,一般疑问句,回 辛亥革命孙中山提出什么口号?怎样理解 有一首歌的歌词有meet somebody you love somebody.这是什么歌 像呐喊这样互为同义词的词有几个? Did you see ()movie Avatar last night?Yes.It‘s so wonderful!A a B an C the D 不填说出原因,并且如果只是movie之前要不要加the 如果只是Avatar(阿凡达)之前要不要加the?看电影(see film)要加a还是the, 《I Miss You Last Night》谁知道那有听的? 如何评价洋务运动和维新变法 国军共有多少个军 国军为什么打不过共军 i am studying in university which is the best school in china 语法是对的吗?是定语从句吗? Which is the best football team in the word? Dalian Football Team is one of the best team in China.哪处错了?1.is 2.one of 3.the best 4.team这四处有一处错误,哪位高手知道? the class five which is the best team,有语病吗 是什么从句 lots of (同义词) what do you like doing in your free time 是collecting coins 还是 collect coins说出理由啊我觉得是简略回答了这一句“ I like collecting coins 英语翻译So many people( ).补充括号里的内容 比较日本明治维新与洋务运动和维新变法,分析我们失败的原因 2.what is it,when once lost,you can never find again?1.what can you see with your eyes shut? 中国共产党的军队在不同时期各叫什么名字? 中国共产党军队建立的时间是() 中国共产党为什么同意将红军改编为国民革命军 英语翻译1 我给她打了电话,但没人接2 我给她发短信询问,明天见面的时间和地点,但她没有给我回复短信.3 如果她不回你短信的话,你还是打个电话问问吧4 我钱包里只剩下30 元了,够不够 和 那 难怪没人接电话,用英语怎么翻译 A good breakfast is very i______ for us.If(如果)you don't eat breakfast,you'll fell w______.You can'麻烦填完 英文翻译一句话.我给他打不通电话,总是没人接. Having a healthy breakfast is important.改为同义句()()()()have a healthy breakfast. 是It is five months since they have moved to China还是it was...请大家说出道理,1.2位你们到底谁对啊... It__________ten years since they______to Francewas..movedwas..have movedis have movedis moved mr.black ___(live) in China since five years ago能用has been living 4.It______ten years since they ______to France.A.was,moved B.was,have moved C.is,have moved D.is,moved 回答并说明理由. He lives in China for there years.They go to school five days a week.they go to school every day这些题,改为一般疑问句,现在要