
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:19:37
or give it to your mother she knows how to do 背得2000多个单词就能考好英语? 紫茉莉花的花萼,花瓣,雄蕊,雌蕊 如何做好明年的计划和今年的总结 一小时能背多少单词? 吉林市什么地方英语四级教的好四级没过,寒假想回家学学!地点最好在吉林江北 吉林市哪有学英语的地方 句型转换What about going fishing tomorrow?(.).(.) go fishing tomorrow? if it rains tomorrow,we won't go fishing.Then how about going shopping _____? They couldn't argee with each other whether the falcon flew quickes【 among 】all birds in Europe为什么【 】这个不是of? And they a____eat food from other birds.They say that you can see things tgat o_______cannot see each other造句 When her mother died,she was only a girl of ____________.A.ten-year-old B.ten years old C.ten years of age D.ten year-old He had died when his mother came 这句对吗 he almost went_____ when he knew his mother died 高中英语完形填空题答案Richard's father died when he was five ,later on he _his mother .the poor bo 读左边的词语,你各想到了哪个成语.:风一更,雪一更,( ) 把成语(词语)补充完整 冰( )雪( ) 风( )日( ) 草( )莺( ) 柳( )花( ) 风( )雨( ) 心( )神( ) ( )涛( ) 到家 英文怎么说,有哪些词组、固定搭配? 英语词组“玩得愉快”怎么说 My father went to Hong Kong by piane yesterday.(同一句)My father ________ _________Hong kong yesterday. Mr Smith went to Hong Kong by plane last month.( by plane 划线提问) Jack often goes to hong kong by plane.对by plane提问 my dad went to shanghai by plane yesterday对上海提问.以where 开头 白光是由各种色光混合而成的,白光是_______,各种色光是_______ she had a_____vacation last sunday.she feels____now.用relaxing,和relaxed怎么填空 用色光可以混合成白光吗?对各种色光的比例有要求吗? She drank so much wine last night.这个句子的感叹句怎么改?( )( )wine She drank last night!括号里应该填什么,为什么呢?11111 为什么白光会反射所有的色光 He had a wonderful holiday last summer.改为感叹句 英语语句:“我去找你玩”英语翻译怎么说?主语和宾语 只类的不懂 请教以下大虾 你去找,我没空.(英文句子)要的是一句英文句子!