
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 20:09:34
爱岗敬业的故事 求 敬业的例子名人敬业的例子,要现代的王进喜已经不是这个时代了的?咸丰年前的不要 英语句子中怎样区分主语 谓语 宾语 等?最好是简单一点的办法 在定语从句中,怎么判断先行词后面的句子是宾语或主语 35.Every possible means _____ to work out the problem,but it is too difficult for us.A.is used B.are used C.has been used D.have been used答案为什么是C?26.If you go on doing that kind of foolish things,you will ______ in prison.A.bring up B.end 有几道高一英语题目,请教各位Who would you rather _____ with you tomorrow morning? A. had do B. have gone C. have go D. have to go选CJohn received an invitation to dinner, and with his work _____, he gladly acce 29.People have come to realize that they should go on _____ balanced diet and make ______ room in their day for exercise.A.a; / B.the; a C.the; the D./; a 选A,为什么第二个空可以不加定冠词30.It saves time in the kitchen to have things y With a(an) ( ) of 20 students to help,we can finish the work on time.Atotal Bntire Cwhole DallIT is the Internet ( ) makes all the people in the world live like a big family.Awhich Bwhat Cthat Dwho-It is ( ) that all the guests will get here by 8 o'c 定语从句中怎样辨别主语宾语 英语语法中,主语从句、定语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句、状语从句有什么区别吗,这5个我老是分不清楚.[请具体讲一下,让我搞清楚.]随便讲一下五大基本句型. 定语从句中,如何区别宾语,主语 求英语语法中,主语谓语宾语 定语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 限制定语从句 连词求英语语法中,主语谓语宾语 定语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 限制定语从句 连词 介词 的英语 在宾语从句与定语从句中怎样区别主语与宾语 西游记主要内容概括200字 求几道因式分解的解x^2-2y-xy+2x;x^5n+2x^4n+2x^3n+2x^2n+2x^n+1;(a^2-b^2)x^2-4abx-a^2+b^2;a^3+a+2;x^2-11x+24;a^3+a^2-12;x^4-4x+3;8x^2+22xy+15y^2;a^3-4a^2-4a-5越仔细越好 2x²-5X-12 7X²-19X-6X²Y²+2XY-8X²+2XY-8Y² 解几道因式分解﹙1﹚121﹙x-y﹚²-169﹙x+y﹚² ﹙2﹚x﹙n-1﹚²-2x﹙n-1﹚+x﹙3﹚a²﹙x+3﹚-b²﹙x+3﹚ ﹙4﹚a³-9a _______,(not eat)anything since the night,he felt very hungryWith her mind______(make)up to study harder ,Jane went back room 1.“He only wears those clothes to prove that he is rich."____ (评论) Harold.评论是comment 但是名词 这里该怎么填 用什么形式2.It is said that Andrew is studying the law at Harvard University.这句有一个错误 请问是哪 两道高一英语题目8.Wind power is an anciebt source of energy( )we may return in the near future.A.from which B.to which C.on which D.by which9.While walking around the Xixi National Wetland Park, I found there were tens of thousands 什么词可以接宾语除了及物动词和介词,还有什么别的词可以接宾语吗? 1、 you‘d better wear your dark glasses to____your eyes from it.A.protect B.keep为什么B 不对?2 Could you tell me ______(若 could 只是委婉 那b中came应该是come啊 为什么答案是B?)A how long you had lived hereB when you came bac 什么词做宾语 ——,please tell all the other people in the company.A should you change your plansB if should you change your plansC if should change your plansD you should change your plansEither you or the headmaster——the prizes to those gifted students at 什么词作宾语 什么词后面加宾语介词指那些 for后面跟什么词做宾语 (注:由于输入法问题,平方和立方均为:^n,以下是三道题目)(1)2x^2+2x-12 (2)(x^2+x)^2-14(x^2+x)(3)x^3+x^2y-x-y 因式分解求详细怎么解出来的 例如:(my^2-4my+9m)=m(y^2-4y+9)=m(y-3)^2还有从m(y^2-4y+9)变为=m(y-3)^2为什么是减三 并且4y怎么处理了呢? (1)x^6+64y^6+12x^2y^2-1(2)4m^2-14mx+49nx-14mn(3)a^2b^2c-ab^3c+a^2bc^2-ab^2c^2(4)x^5-x^3-x^2-1(5)1+a+b+c+ab+bc+ac+abc(6)ab(c^2-d^2)-cd(a^2-b^2)(7)(x^2+1)^2-x^2+x(x-2)(x^2+x+1) 选择1.-I wonder why he left without a word.-He( )some trouble for he looked dull.A.could have had B.should have had C.can have had D.must have had2.The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see( )the next year.A.carry out B.car 在英语中什么叫做宾语,什么叫及物动词?