
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:45:27
英语按正确形式填空1.Don‘t disturb me I'm ( )[study]2.I'm going to ( )[read] the newspaper3.Mike's family ( )[visit] the museum two weeks ago 找规律,填写所缺字母J F MJ M A 帮忙填写单词所缺的字母1.att_ _d_ _t 2.p_ _ nd 3.ret_r_ 4. g_rge 5.p_ _ny词组互译: 数以百计的 流行 在回家的路上 stand on the left make a shopping再问一下ea 一道关于think over,think about的英语题目( )Fisr,you should consider it carefully.A.think about it B.think over it C.think it over选择与consider it 意思相近的选项.选哪个选项以及选这个选项的理由与不选其余选 英语紧急think over 填写单词所缺字母 填写单词中所缺字母 两个附加的也对加5分__ __inesepl__ __e附加:c__ __board 英语正确形式填空,再写写解题技巧1.i have 【 】 story books.the 【 】book is about animals .(nine)2.there are 【 】 (twelve) floors in the building .he lives on the 【 】(five) floor3.what date is it today it is september t 英语翻译亲爱的!今天是我的生日!可是我只想你在我的身边!想你的怀抱!想你的吻!今天我回了东莞!却一点也开心不起来!没有一个人给我祝福和礼物!我用你给我的钱给自己买了衣服!我还去染 英语翻译麻烦有感情的翻译下下面我感谢的话:虽然今天真的很冷!但是我觉得从来没有过的温暖!谢谢你给我的温暖!它不仅温暖了我的身体还温暖了我的心!翻译下这句话啊!要煽情越好能不 you'd better keep still when i take a p__ of you keep out of the sun 与keep out the sun区别 英语的正确形式填空I like ( )(run),but I ( ) (not) like swimming.第二个空可以填 do 有关中秋节句子 [-C21] When the old man _____ to walk back to his house ,the sun _____ itself behind themountain.A.was starting ; hid B.had start ; had already hiddenC.had started ; was hiding D.started ; had already hidden翻译并分析,为什么选D不选B? 填空when the old man ----(开始)to walk back to his house,the sun---(躲)itself behind the mountain When the old man ________ to walk back to his house,the sun ________ itself behind the mountain.A.started,had already hidden B.had started,had already hidden C.had started,was hiding D.was starting,hid 描写友情深厚的词语 the bridge__when i passed it Be careful when you go across the bridge.说明一下为什么要用careful和across这是个新课堂的题 现在速求 I was afraid when I ____the narrow bridge .A passedB was passing 选什么如果选b 为什么when 不是不可以接进行时吗?不是应该用while You favourite season is summer.改成疑问句是否能改成疑问句?如果可以,最好是改成一般疑问句. when you c_____ the bridge,you can see the bus stop. 全麦土司和全麦面包的区别?哪个更有利于减肥?减肥吃全麦面包好还是杂粮面包?全麦粉和全麦颗粒有什么区别? 诺基亚手机lumia手机型号是什么意思?例如,620和625,920和925,这个20和25代表了什么?是不是数字越大手机性能越好? 英语翻译 英语翻译In Off-Road mode,ABS to the rear is disengaged while the front is toned down to allow for a little front wheel slip. 天气类单词中学学的单词 有哪些关于天气的词语 有关中秋节的诗句 几句简单英文的翻译速度一点,不要翻译器(应该也用不上- -)1》Talk about friend2》Practise talking about likes and dislikes 3》Learn to make apologies4》Use direct speech:He says,"…"5》Use indrect speech: She said tha 英语翻译汉翻英 人名不用翻译 猜猜刚刚跳舞的人是谁?是猫王?不,他没有moonwalk.是伍迪?不,他在拍摄玩具总动员3.好的,你说对了是MJ,你是个聪明的孩子.但是,我是谁?”