
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:28:49
《碧螺春》课文中从三个方面介绍碧螺春 碧螺春的介绍 would you like to have dinner with me?啥意思 例 Would you like to have dinner with us Yes,I'd like to.to后该不该加have为什么请将这一系列讲解 你对孙中山先生在弥留之际的话有什么感想呢 彻底消失用英语怎么说彻底消失 用英语怎么说啊 用一句话介绍家乡的一种土特产,用上“久负盛名”这个词. —come to have dinner with us tonight._thanks.I___(do/will/did/come) They will be dressed up and have a big if they come,we will have a meeting(改为同义句 if they come,we ()()()()a meeting I have three w——.I hope they will come true. 请把自己童年生活的一个片段写成一首现代诗. 英语翻译小食类、水煮鱿鱼、多滋味凤爪、鸡中亦、水煮花生、日式青瓜、麻辣鱼仔、白瓜子、时菜、卤水拼盘、咸香鱿鱼丝、咸香凤爪、椒盐鸡尖、咸香花生、凉拌青瓜、香蒜台湾肠、葵 英语翻译1.This is morning.Mum and I went to the supermarket by bus.We sat at the back of the bus.Soon the bus stopped and some people got off.The bus started again.Suddenly I saw a CD Walkman under the seat in front of me.2.I asked the man in fro 近代史上的历史事件不包括( )A.火烧圆明园B.金田起义C.雅克萨之战D.镇南关大捷 英语翻译If the relevant Ex-Im Bank Approval provides for a day count basis of actual/365 days or 30/360 days instead of actual/360 days网络及软件翻译勿扰 他在造完整句子方面有困难用英语怎么说 if we have time,we will____for dinner A.drop B.drop in C.have D./ 领结和领带有什么区别?RT有没有说什么场合要带什么? "I wish I will have a coat"这句话对不对? My workmates and I will go to have dinner.和I will have a dinner together with my colleagues 哪个更地道,更符合英美人表达习惯? 在近代史中,都有哪些重大战役.带来了什么样的影响? 山东在历史上发生了哪些重大战争? 介绍一种特产.最好是不要面汤之类的,特产吧,就是你要能写出他的它的独特之处,四百字左右吧,不多,不多,谢啦~! 特产介绍怎么写 朋友们介绍一下你们那儿的土特产! Would you like to come and meet my parents and have a f_________ dinner with us? I would like you ____ my parents (meet) We _____(have) friends over for a barbecue on Sunday.Would you and your parents like to come?填入词,I ————(be)here on saturday,but not Sunday。Let ‘s try and go on Saturday he __his teacher would come to meet his parents从 get(ready),give ,have ,hear ,go ,hold ,keep ,learn ,grow,be ready,know 中选·· 求翻译 home is where you make it where is my purse it at homemay be forgotten can be left may gorget can leave填哪个,为什么……是