
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:52:38
就划线部分提问 Steven will finish middle school in two years (in two years) Attention,please!All mobile phones must __ during the meeting.选项A turn B be turned off C are turn The meeting was put off because we ____a meeting without John.A.objected having B.were objected to havingC.objected to have D.objected to having 为什么选D不选B,这两者有什么区别吗 ---Must we turn off the TV now?---No,you___now,but you___when Baby is sleepingA.needn't```need B.mustn't```must C.mustn't```need D.needn't```must Our school makes a survey to find out( ) 选择题,请帮我选一下并解释 谢谢A. what do the students do on weekdays B. what the students do on weekdays C. How to the students do on weekdays D. Ho according to a survey ,we find that.according to a survey ,it shows us.这两句都可以吗.会不会according to a survey ,与it shows us会不会重复? Recently a survey has conducted to find out how many hours 改错急 Recently a survey ___(make)to find the resons why so many teenagers have developed the habit of smoking ●ω●音标ð怎么读?我了解到的读法有很多,想知道到底正规的读法是哪个,还是说在不如音标组合下的ð会有不同的读音?比如“the”“this”“they”~听别人有时读“de”有时读“re”~ [θ] [ð]这个音标是发什么音啊 [θ]是四 清辅音吗 [ð]这个是发ri,日i ,zi ●ω●音标“ð”的中文谐音怎么读?看了很多音标教材,没有听不出来他怎么发音的.请用中文谐音或拼音的拼读法帮我一下 She__ in the middle school fou 2 years A.study B.studies C.studied D.has studied we()in the school every day A:study B:studied C:studies D:will study My cousin ------- in Guangzhou My cousin studies in No.9 H School nowMy cousin studies in No.9 (H )School now we __at this school last year A.study B.studied c.studies D.will study for two months 提问My grandma stays with us for two months every year My father stayed there for two months.for two months划线提问用什么疑问词就行,顺便帮我分析一下how soon,how far和how long之间的区别. ask for two days off 还是two-day off 提问 for two monthsMy grandma stays with us for two months every year_____ _____does your grandma stay with you every year?对for two months 提问 I'm two for two. 最喜小儿无赖,溪头卧剥莲蓬 这句诗中,“无赖”是什么意思? (100分)求给我50道一元一次不等式组, 31、It’s very nice you to take care of my baby while I was away.A.for B.of C.with D.to be made of 和 be made for的区别?有没时态的区分? 物理填空题机械 最喜小儿亡赖'溪头卧剥莲蓬的意思 用一元一次不等式组解题有10名菜农,每人可种甲种蔬菜3亩或乙种蔬菜2亩.已知甲种蔬菜每亩可收入0.5万元,乙种蔬菜每亩可收入0.8万元,若要使总收入比低于15.6万元,则最多安排多少人种甲种蔬 Circle the past forms of verbs and give their present 大儿锄豆溪东,中儿正织鸡笼,最喜小儿亡赖,溪头卧剥莲蓬意思! Ok,I will take care of myself.采纳正确的第一个 一轻质弹簧一端固定在墙上的O点,另一端可自由伸长到B点今用一小物体M把弹簧压缩到到A点(M与弹簧不连接),然后释放,小物体能经B点运动到C点静止.小物体M与水平面间的动摩擦因数恒定,则