
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:55:55
Mr' Li told us that he would give us ( )information about the UK.a.many b.a lot c.a few d.much 英语翻译本人今年15岁 很快就初三了,现在基本上4门必学科 除了英语以外 其他的都还能达到一定水平,可就是英语还不了解.我现在知道读英语 却不知道翻译英语 求大神们给个英语翻译法子 每句的动词是哪个He turned up a frightening arsenal of licensed and unlicensed guns.The seriousness of the president's economic message was tempered with a few light moments.I would far rather have weeds in my garden than strew the ground with 如果在鸦片战争前夕,林则徐、魏源领导了维新变法,中国走资本主义道路能否成功?科学尚可以假设!呵呵,请给我一种可能性! the UK isshort for the Unitedk____. 英语翻译口语点的、 假设你捡到一个红色的背包,请你写一份招领启事.你的电话是888 6355,你的姓名是zhangmei.用英语写 I am in Classtwo,GradeOne.找错 物体置于粗糙斜面上,受到一个平行于斜面的力F,当F=100N且沿斜面向上或者F=20N且沿斜面向下,物体都能在斜面上做匀速直线运动,当物体不受F作用时,物体在斜面上受到的摩擦力为? get a lift get a life 我知道是搭顺风车的意思,再次强调是用英语解释... 轻飘飘造句 We got stuck in a lift.lift是举起,提起的意思,在这句中怎么理解? get an eye lift 是什么意思?出现在美剧《gossip girl》第一季第一集中的 英语翻译tired it one more time I’m feeling too tired to drive any more; will you take___?A、after B、over C、on D、in She has ( tow voellow)括号部分提问___ ____ she ___ 不好意思,是 voellowball 1.Daina ( will go/go/goes) to Europe if she (will pass/pass/passes) the exams .2. The graduates (will teach/teach/teaches) in the poor village if the Ministry of Education (will agree/ agree/agrees) soon.3. If there (will be/ are/is) a car accident, ( ) 1.--- Your hair feels _________!--- Thank you!A.friendly B.greatly C.soft D.softly( ) 2.Do you have ____________ to tell us,Mr.Yang?A.anything else B.nothing else C.some else D.other anything( ) 3.The Changjiang River is ________in the world.A.th 英语翻译I'm able to stand up for myselfu more.(前一句的补充完整) 英语翻译在UN says case for saving species 'more powerful than climate change'这句话中的powerful应当怎么翻译更为妥当呢?Goods and services from the natural world should be factored into the global economic system,says UN biodiversi In this way ,you wii be more confident in speaking english 怎么翻译 As l walk in the cool of the autumn night ,Thinking of you ,singing my poem.翻译中文 233.杨修解谜的注释、全文翻译. 看图 让你的思绪飞扬起来,急须!1 As for their going along with us中文翻译? 【历史】这是什么吉物 you are not a kind 这个是指的品质,还是行为? I thing you are man not girl 英语翻译 1.the boy is ________(沉溺于)to playing video games ,which make his parents very worried 2.he was b____________ from driving bccause he had disobeyed the traftic laws 3.smoking has bad e___________ on people health 韩国历史上的洪吉童的历史背景,知道的请将一下!还有,历史上的洪吉童是什么样的?历史上真的有李昌辉吗,最后他夺回了王位吗?许利禄有这个人吗?她是成为王妃还是作侠盗了? 【历史】这是什么吉物