
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:24:19
unofficial economy The simplification of tax rules,combined with the reduction of marginal rates,would draw firms out of the unofficial economy thus increasing the demand for official law enforcement and reducing the demand for unofficial services. demand 什么是Demand_draft_rate? The connection to the server has ended.Please try it again later.我玩冒险岛,怎么出现这个了 Connection to the Symantec server counld not be established.是什么意思? draft dodger是什么意思 manuscript why does lisa have only a few friends?的意思 某人站在南极点上,面向零度经线,他的前方应该是什么方向? 2010年新UFO发现有不少UFO专家没有看见UFO不明飞行物就认定不存在的,其实不然的,现代科学有不少东西是看不见的,但都不能证明这东西是不存在的,然而是看不见也是存在的.何况外星人的科技 世界上有UFO么?2010年出现过UFO么?本人在2010年曾看见过UFO 2010年UFO2010年黑龙江省伊春事惊现UFO ufo会出现吗? 16.在复平面中,已知A,B,C三点分别对应复数2+i,4+3i,3+5i,又知点D与这三点构成平行四边形,求点D对应的复数.解法:分三种情况,AB//CD AC//BD BC//AD 实在不想写了>_ 已知Z属于C,|Z-2|=1,则|z+2+5i|的最大值和最小值分别为( )没过程不追分 设z∈C,且|z+i|-|z-i|=0,则|z+i|的最小值为? 高中复数简单问题 在线等 正确追100分复数【(1-i)/(1+i)】^10的值是 A.-1 B.1 C.-32 D.32 没过程不追分 正确追100分 复数z=【(1+i)^2+3(1-i)】除于(2+i).若z^2+az+b=1+i,求实数a,b的值 没过程不追分 In fact you are not so important. he found his banknote ______he had left some weeks before.A.if B.which C.where D.what Xiao Zhang is a ___fatter than she wants to be.A few B little C more D less希望各个词的意思,用法,区别,都可以解释下,也可以说说比较级的用法. run away和runaway有什么不同? run away与run out的区别 英语单词:escape 和 get away 有何区别? i escaped she got away 挥的组词 挥怎么组词 挥字 组词 I’ve never seen a person run so fast-just watch David go.后面的just watch David go是说看大卫走还是看大卫,然后我跟着走不应该是run吗 1.I never seen anyone run so fast----just watch David go.请帮我分析下破折号后的成分.2.——with no way to reduce her pain and suffering from the terrible disease,the patient sought her doctor's help to end her life.A.Having given up hop (1/2)I have never seen anyone run so fast .__David go .横线上该填just watch . I have never seen anyone run so fast- __David go.__上填just watch.老师让我讲填watch的原因.I have never seen anyone run so fast- __David go.__上填just watch.老师让我讲填watch的原因.选项中还有just watching.just to watch.just set up 同义词