
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:02:26
Sandy is wearing the blue jeans.(对the blue提问) ___Sandy is wearing the blue jeans.(对the blue提问)______ ______ ______ Sandy ______? 如果两个数相除结果为负数,其中有几个负因数?如果三个数相除的结果为负数,其中又有几个负因数?4个数,5个数,6个数相除呢?先观察,找出规律再回答:如果2011个数相除结果为负数,那么其中负 Is there life out there?的意思及out there的用法? out there的中文意思There is a world of music out there.翻译成汉语怎么说最佳?其中out 找一首女生唱的英文歌..歌词好象有.GET IT ON/DOWN ..还有..SEE U BELIEVE ME大概就听清了这2句歌词..好象是2个女生合唱的..节奏不算快..听起来很舒服歌词好象有.GET IT ON/DOWN ..还有..SEE U BELIEVE ME 这 There is a pair of jeans on Bill's bed.____ blue.是用They're 还是用It's要解释 There _____a jeans on the desk. sweaters,the ,50 yuan ,are ,each怎么组成一个句子 英语连词成句:red are each those sweaters 20 dollars. 在这句话中,out And for many of us,the stimulation of the "out there"and other voice is so great that the need to look inward is never discovered.求翻译这句话.还有,that 引导的句子修饰的是什么成分,属于什么从句类型? 我终于失去了你这首歌是什么意思?越详细越好,越深越好. 害怕拥挤的人群是什么样的心里现象? Can he()it in French?A.speak B.speaks C.say D.talk(到底应该选A还是C呢?为什么我觉得选A?) 教英语音标的视频谁能给我一个有关教英语音标如何发音的视频?(有悬赏分) 拥挤 你拥我挤 有什么规律快 急用! 不拥挤.什么意思 请问美国芝加哥运输部对道路交通拥挤的定义“30%或5分钟车道占有率对应的交通状态. Can he什么it in English? What are you going to learn in the university用5,6据英文回答 口语考试用的 他能在15秒之内完成.翻译成英文 He can finish it in 15 _____.横线上填什么? 初中英语He can't speak Japanese,but he can _____it in English.( )He can't speak Japanese,but he can _____it in English.A.speak B.say C.tell D.talk 英语翻译Go back there and help her ass out.领导命令的语境,对一个员工说的后边还有个员工的 Go out there and give 110 percent every time. 看国家要在全国范围内征收交通拥堵费,烟台会收么?怎么感觉买了车,就跟中了套儿一样! 辨证唯物主义如何缓解交通拥堵 谁能给我一篇写汶川地震的英语作文?1.描写灾后预防工作的2.要以书信的格式写3.60~80词之间!不懂或有严重语法错误的人请自重! somewhere out RT What isn't easy about/for learning English,what isn't easy to learn English有什么区别what do you dou about/for this 怎样区别 What isn't easy about learning English和what isn't easy for learning English有什么区别 What did scientists learn about earthquakes at the area?是什么意思? 求单选解释7.Usually before exams,the students _____ two minutes to write down their names.7.Usually before exams,the students _____ two minutes to write down their names.A.are given B.were given C.gave D.give为什么选这个, if you want to-------you can join the---club(swim)的适当形式填空