
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:22:43
what do you say 翻译成文字.. Do what you say,say what you do. ---What did you say?--So you were not listening to me.这里为什么要用过去进行时,而不是一般过去时? Do what you say,say what you do! what do you say,what you say,what did you saywhat do you say?what you say?what did you say?日常用语中的“你说什么”应该用那个句子啊?还是上面三个都不对啊?用“what are you talking about?有没有“what you say”这种 用英语怎么问年纪 模仿英语例句改写句子~模仿例句改写:I met that man yesterday.Which man?that man?{Yes,that's the man i met yesterday.} 1.I saw that man yesterday.2.I repaired that car yesterday.3.I drove that woman to London yesterday.4.I bought that 模仿例句改写下列句子 例:He went to the park yesterday .(tomorrow ) → He will go to the park tomorrow.My father made an appointment last night .(tomorrow morning)I am sweeping the floor now.(tonight)It snowed last night. 仿照例句改写句子(英语)例:He is from England.( He isi't from England.) ( Is he from England?) ( Yes,he is./ No,he is't.)①.I'm in Class 5.( )( ) ( )②.The man is a doctor.( )( ) ( )③.They are my friends.( )( ) ( )④.His shoes are 汽车对人们生活的贡献有什么? 时代变迁给我们生活带来怎样的便利 汽车如何改变我们的生活 衣食住行的变迁(从60年代到现在) "大数据"时代生活将会有怎样的变化 谁给我一个小故事,英文的,大约五句话恩,我叫陈思伊 英语翻译 英语中询问年龄该怎样问怎样回答.急~ 在英语中,对年龄提问用 询问年龄大小?英语 英式英语和美式英语句子的区别,举几个例子举几个句子的例子,不要词组 英语翻译Skeptics are strange a lot.some of them refuse to admit the serious threat of human activities to the environment ,and they are tired of people disagree with them.Those people,say skeptics,spread nothing but bad news about the environment 我从来都没有感觉到你爱过我(英文翻译) 上了年纪的女人 英语怎么说 英语六级比四级难度大多少 英语翻译 关于英语6级和四级的难度6级是不是只是在4级的基础上加深了单词而已呢 相对四级来说,六级的难度大多少? 对.岁(年龄)提问,用英语 是不是我不说,你就永远不会知道我爱你 英文翻译 如果你有一架机器人会帮你干什么的作文 有一部机器人的电影,开始机器人帮人类做家务,后来变坏的.那是什么电影啊? 关于机器人的作文what daes it look like what'a its name what can it do for us can it think for itself what are its advantages and disadvantages?