
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:48:03
( )school is much larger than( )Atheir ;our B their;ours C theirs;ours D theirs;our 解析 一束黄光射在红色不透明物体上看到的物体颜色是 Our school is bigger than their school.改同义句 nice school!It's much bigger than .A.What,our B.What a,ours C.How a,our D.How,oursnice school!It's much bigger than .A.What,our B.What a,ours C.How a,our D.How,ours His school is bigger than[we us our ours] 有没有英文单词是以原音字母"i"作结尾的?特别是英文名 我想补英语口语,请问西安哪家英语口语补的好? 怎么区分rise,arise,raise这三个单词的用法?请问怎么区分这三个单词的用法, 有没有TX读过韦博英语,里面价位如何?最近想报韦博英文的口语,不知道里面的价位如何,如果人多有打折吗 A:Must l finish reading the book today?B:No,you___if you have sth else to do.A.mustn't B.couldn't C.can't D.don't have to 西安韦博英语好吗? can find the following sign on ________ .(Keeping in a cold place.)You can find the following sign on ________ .(Keeping in a cold place.) A.clothes B.books C.money D.food为什么? You can find the following INSTRUCTIONS on _______.KEEP IN A COLD PLACEA.food B.money C.clothes D.books 一个英语选择题.you can find the following instruction"Keep In a Cold Place"on( )选项如下A.books B.food C.clothes can you______the place on the mapA:look for B:find这个是选哪个啊,为什么?如题 can you______the place on the map A:look for B:find 这个是选哪个啊,为什么? 1、The place where you can find bread 2、the discount on bread 什么意思(编号回答、详细) We often consider him as our best friend.(同义句)We often ______ ______ him ______ our best friend. holdt、mops、costs、step、doesn‘t的过去式快,我今天心情不好,越快越好 we re in ( grade three)用画括号的部分提问 用Cheer up!Hang in there!Don't give up!Keep trying!Go a head!Relax!Be careful.Don't worry!Take it easy!造句!要一问一答的那样,不要一句的比如说用How are you 造句,就要 How are you?Fine.这样造句.我将悬赏再提高五分吧! kid,sound的过去式是什么?…… 系动词有没有过去式,现在进行时?请以sound为例,如有,请写出 询问sound 和happen的过去式?越快越好!有没有什么查英语时态的简洁方法.每次都是一点一点地提问MS很麻烦..有什么网站么? _____ a sound 用动词过去式 可以填哪些? 12121是什么意思 sound的过去式 上海韦博英语面试课程顾问注意事项(在线等)韦博通知去面试课程顾问,需要注意些什么吗?大概英语要求是怎么样的···请面试过的来说说··是怎么样的销售模式,待遇怎么样···(不要复 请问有去上海的韦博英语上班的么...急噢明天我要去面试了 不晓得这里上班好不好的我报的是电话销售...这个工作是不是需要和保险一样性质拉顾客拉到多算提成拿钱的呢? 上海韦博少儿英语,有了解的吗,想找个老师提高下~ 12121是什么 请问下下列的诗句各代表什么月相?1、月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后.2、月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠.姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船.3、今宵酒醒何处,杨柳岸晓风残月.4、可怜九月初三夜,露 谁要好听的布鲁斯音乐啊?拜托了各位 谢谢