
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:21:46
问一些英语成语例子:There is no use crying over spilt milk---覆水难收询问:1、like a duck to water2、poor as achurch mouse3、at sixes and sevens4、spend money like water5、as timid as a hare friendship is a ship big enough to carry two in fair weather是什么意思 enough 英语 当然可以 是 fair enough么? How many books are there on the bed?能否改成How many books on the bed are there?为什么? Do you like.回答是yes,I do.还是yes,I like? 寻找男生英文名1:请不要复制那些老土名字到我这.-2:最好以 L、E、M、N、S 这几个字母开头的.3:请附带中文名字.4:只要是这几个字母开头,名字好听,特别的OK.哎.没啥指望了 What will the clerk do when the big brawn ones are in the store怎么回答 What will the clerk do when the big brown schoolbags are in the store是什么意思 Yesterday she went to the new airport by taxi.的同义句 胡杰(男性)这个名字起个什么样的英文名字比较合适?最好不好太通俗常见,和中文名字也要有关联.JACK,JEFF好象很普遍吧. junsy这个名字做男子英文名怎么样...急!本个名叫刘服军各位能帮<刘服军>取一个英文名字吗,23岁!最好能以J或L开头的...急!大家觉得Junsy这个名字怎么样呢? 请问一下enough通常在形容词前面还是后面 英文名 我是男生 年轻 这个名字用于工作请补充 这个名字的 Jagen 是男英文名吗?这个名字怎么样? ______sweaters are yours?The black ones are____.A.Which,ours B.Which,yours C.Whose,mine are the sweaters yours?如何回答 WHICH ONES ARE YOURS?主语是谁 填出下列单词 How many books are there in your school (l )括号里的单词是L开头的 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词 1.Do you like carrots?Yes,I do.I like all v____.2.Don't e_____ too much chocolate,it's not good for your heath. Sorry,I don’t love you. Don't love me no more(I'm sorry)的歌词谁知道`能翻译下吗?最好中英文对照的 enough big /big enough /old enough /enough chocolate到底是可数名词还是不可数名词?为何5a书中出现a box of chocolates a basket of/ a box of 后的名词是否都用复数形式a basket of applesa basket of eggsa box of eggs what did the Black family do yesterday What does Mr Black do?(保持原机基本不变)___Mr Black's ____? 慈禧太后和光绪帝在戊戌变法时的矛盾是什么? 慈禧太后和光绪帝在戊戌变法时的矛盾是什么?最后怎么解决问题的 Peter had a party on his birthday in his house.Alothough he had a greattime,it made him very ___. 完型It was Bill's birthday,and there was a big birthday party in the house.今天晚上It was Bill's birthday,and there was a big birthday party in the house.Guest __1__ and went,but the party went on.Then the bell __2__.Some people said"Come in!"a a box of chocolates 是怎么回事?