
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 03:15:45
会matlab的来帮个忙!minz=1600x1+1600x2+1600x3+1600x4+300x1*x1+300x2*x2+300x3*x3+300x4 *x4-300x1*x2-300x2*x3-300x3*x4-300x4*x1-1433600 st x1>=220 x2>=256 x3>=240 x4>=180 x1.x2.x3.x4都为整数这是最优解minz 183500 x1 248 x2 256 x3 248 x4 24 matlab S=pascal(4)S =1 1 1 11 2 3 41 3 6 101 4 10 20在matlab中是怎样计算出来的?解释一下这个矩阵出现的原因? MATLAB的问题,那位大侠能帮个忙,后天就要交作业了,1.The Fibonacci numbers are computed according to the following relation:with F0=F1=1.(1) Write a function,F=fibo(n),to generate Fibonacci numbers in a vector F.Compute the first 10 Fi 歧路亡羊的意思 I can play football now(改成一般疑问句) 歧路亡羊 的意思 歧路亡羊的含义着急呀! 歧路亡羊意思 country-by-country怎么翻译 英语翻译 They play table tennis in afternoon.改写成进行时 They usually play table tennis afteThey usually play table tennis after school.(改为否定句) 请英语达人帮我做一下这些题目31.I prefer tea( )coffee.A.toB.fromC.byD.with满分:2 分32.– Linda,can you give me a lift after work?– ( ).A.It's very kind of you to do soB.Thank you for your offerC.Never mind.I'll go shoppingD.No pr 若(x^2+ax+8)(x^2-3x+b)的积中不含x^2项和x^3项,则a=?b=? 若(x的2次方+ax+8)(x的2次方-3x+b)的乘积中不含x的2次方和x的3次方项,求a、b的值 台北101大厦多高?是干什么用的? 改正句子中的错误1.I have a English-Chinese dictionary.2.Please give they back soon.3.The students are thinking careful.4.All of them is working hard.5.Jim is sitting in classroom and has a maths class. it's tom's pencil I must ___soon.give it back him give it back to him give it back for him选哪个呢?为什么是to 不是for呢 哪位能提供粤教版初三化学说课稿全套 有关红楼梦的题目,1 说说刘姥姥的性格特点和他在全书中的作用. 谈谈《红楼梦》中刘姥姥的形象特征,并举例说明. 新年的打算作文6年级 500字好了再给20分 已知函数y=3x-12图像在y轴左侧时y取值范围 若函数f(x)=-1/3x^3-1/2mx^2+1/6的图像与x轴只有一个公共点,求m的取值范围 初二上册语文复习提纲 哪里有初二上册语文复习提纲 同义句转换 1.they had a good time at the party. 初三化学课件 作出函数y=3-3x的图像,并根据图像回答问题:(1)当y大于0时,求x的取值范围 有没有一些关于励志的好词好句? 已知二次三项式ax^2-bx+1与2x^2-3x+1的积不含x^2项,也不含x项,求a和b的值 give back和return back和get back和take back