
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:06:50
芙蓉楼送辛渐是一首()诗,前两句借()生(),写了()和(),烘托送别时的();后两句临别捎话,自比(),表达().全诗含蓄深情,韵味无穷. 芙蓉楼送辛渐,前两句怎么样写出了送朋友辛渐的离别情绪越简练越好 芙蓉楼送辛渐前两句衬托了作者怎样的心情 形容几个伙伴有某种关系连系在一起 用一个字形容该用什么字?经常看日系漫画里好像有用“绊”字?谢不知道还有没有能用一个字就足够的呢。呵呵 Are these your maps?No,they are the t_____maps.快 ''are,five,these,maps’’怎么连词成句? Are these_____maps?(填物主代词) (因为)---- ---- make him feel s----- . Thrillers are really scary.--------上填什么 用have或there be的适当形式填空 ( )they( )a son?( )Lucy( )a sister?一( )they( )a son?二( )Lucy( )a sister? the groups given money to will be chosen 这个读着怎么那么别扭呢the supreme cout has ruled that public universities can collect student activity fees even from students who object to particular activities,so long as the groups given money t Will the money given to you just now 填 ? thanks that is enoughA fit B do C work D suit 把每个都分析一下 谢谢求大家速度!!!急,要去晚自习了 These skateboards are eight yuan e________.(首字填单词) 人类DNA和水果DNA的区别 帮我来判断一下混了民族的基因自来卷,头发稍微有一点棕色,但差不多是黑的.头发细,软.双眼皮,很标准的那种(有人还问过是不是开刀的.)家族里面普遍较高,据说男性都是超过180的.差不多 民族内部关系 和公民内部关系有什么区别?题目(为什么说十二铜表法是罗马国家调节公民内部关系的法律?为什么不能不说是民族内部关系呢? 江上小堂巢翡翠,花边高冢卧麒麟.这两句诗的翻译 cochrane collaboration是什么意思 Even though the Red Sox got off to that dreadful 2-10 start where is the ----- (enter)to the park.用所给词的适当形式填空 每个人的基因身份证哪里有区别?人和人的基因有什么区别?(大小形状)基因歧视是什么意思? OVER 大猩猩可以养吗 哪里有卖大猩猩的,想养 英语翻译我的HDD温度在46到50正常嘛? '翻译中文HDD Se lf Test 英语翻译mod_RailcraftRails=on mod_RedPowerArray=on mod_IC2=on mod_RailcraftExtras=on mod_MultiPageChest=on mod_wholeTreeAxe=on mod_BuildCraftBuilders=on mod_CompactSolars=on mod_ManaSys=onmod_MinecraftForge=onmod_IronChest=onmod_BCIC2Crossover=on the sense of existence是什么意思 the logic of did go it why you let 连词成句 We can____books____the bookstore.A.sells,to B.We can____books____the bookstore.A.sells,to B.sell,on C.buy,from D,buy,to why did you let it FABRIC OF REALITY THE PENGUIN SCIENCE怎么样