
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:17:45
是否有可能发射一颗80min绕地球一周的人造地球卫星,为什么? 王庄村要挖一条4800米的水渠,已经挖了60%,还有多少米没有挖 沟墩镇要挖一条4800米的水渠,第一周挖了25%,第二周挖了1/3,还剩下多少没挖?各位大哥大姐,帮帮忙啊!十万火急额~~~~~~~~~ 陈庄乡要挖一条4800米长的水渠,10天后,剩下的是已挖的60%,这条水渠还有多少米没挖? 要具体的列式解答哦! 挖一条4800米水渠,10天后,剩下的是已挖的60%,这条水渠还有多少米?答题完整,怎么算得! 某运输公司给一玻璃厂运玻璃,合同规定:完好无损地运一箱玻璃到目的地给5元运费;损坏一箱玻璃不仅不给运费,还要赔货主40元.运输公司共运了2000箱玻璃,最后收到运费9190元.这家运输公司 八下物理求详细解答过程 一颗人造卫星绕地球运行一周的时间是2185分钟,几日几小时几分钟?必须的,好的会追分. 哪位老师帮我看看这些我指的物理题对吗?21.22 busy street可以? 是busy markets ,wonderful streets 还是busy streets ,wonderful markets The street is very busy.____ of the shops on the street have a lot of peopleA.All B.one C.Each D.every 短文填空 In these years,computer games have become more and more popular in many cities and towns.短文填空In these years,computer games have become more and more popular in many cities and towns.A lot of small shops along busy___ have changed 名为<泪在深处>的一首英文歌好像是张学友还是谁的粉丝的一首歌,国外的.我就知道这么多,请知道的给个确切的歌名! With the d____ of computer technology,computer have become more and more popular. In recent years,more and more Americans like traveling during holidays.---_______.A.So do we ChIn recent years,more and more Americans like traveling during holidays.---_______.A.So do we Chinese B.So will we Chinese C.So we Chinese do Snake dishes have become popular in recent years.Snake meat is often seen in restaurants.It seems that eating snake is now in fashion,and if you haven't eaten snake yet,you're considered(被认为)“out of date”. But I wonder whether all 一种类似于桔子树的树,是什么树?一种类似于桔子树的树,枝条小,刺比较大,想柑橘刺,叶柄上有三片叶子,有果子,看起像小橘子,但是没有桔子那种表面有油的感觉,是夫还有薄薄的绒毛,切开后 我就想知道桔子树的《一生的故事》到底讲了什么?虽然我知道还没完结,但是鉴于最近被队长戒毒虐到了,所以不敢看的缘故,SO请亲告诉我它大致的内容是什么吧!那个,目前更新的章节小花貌 2乘4分之一 - 4乘6分之一+6乘8分之一 -8乘10分之一+……+2004乘2006分之一 -2006乘2008分之一 加讲解 我国各省地理特点(包括人文和自然) We've reached a strange—some would say unusual—point We have reached the stage where we haveto give up the experiment翻译 you have not yet reached this section! They plant a lot trees in our hometown every year的同意句 We plant trees around our school every year改为被动语态 We plant trees every year to protect our environment 改成被动语态 用适当的形式填空 We____(plant)trees in sping every year.Next Friday we_____(plant)trees in Tianrno 用4画鱼怎么画 求视频:儿童画小蜡鱼怎么画 The quarrel has reached a point ()the policeman will have to be called inA,which B where C that D when where。为什么选B, The accident has reached a point __ the police have to be called inThe accident has reached a point __the police have to be called inA.when B.that C.which D.where说详细点、、