
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:33:49
英语翻译从文章中的意思看是要跳出越南的这个陷阱,所以译成“跳过”越南是否好些? It's time for a break 和 It's time for break哪个正确我认为It's time for break是正确的 因为break面包为不可数名词 可基训上的正确答案是It's time for a break 我很纳闷 是否是答案错误 For a long time they walked without saying___word.Jim was____first to break silence.A.the,a B.a,the C.a,/ D.the,/重点是加不加the The girl in the car is Kate怎么改成一般疑问句? I yearn for life,less is more是什么 3. “Less is more”的理论是谁提出的,有哪些著名作品,及其对后来建筑文化发展的影响. 怎么使用iphone4s siri 需要用英语跟它沟通么 iphone4s siri练习英文经常和siri说话对英语有帮助吗? iphone4s 用中文系统的时候能用英语操作 siri功能吗?还是一定要在英文系统下? 我的iphone4s siri是广东话怎么改成英语的!急、 港行的iphone4s有没有siri?英文版的siri It's only ten minutes from school by bicycle.(改为同义句) It's___only ten minutes___ ___to school.Take the second turning on the left.(改为同义句)___left____the second turning. 1、what ( )in that shop?A、did happen B、is happening C、was happened D、did it happen It's only ten minutes from school by bicycle(改为同义句) 铃儿响叮当英文歌词及翻译 我要铃儿响叮当英文歌词和中文,但英文要注土音,比如happy(黑劈)先付你50分,好的加200!英文(整首哦)要注土音啦!那不然我怎么会啊才! Best wish for you中文意思? 铃儿响叮当的英文歌词? 为什么我的iphone调成英文状态后 siri还是在说中文 连词组句(10个),带句子的意思(1)for / I / buy / present / my / a / want / brother / to___________________________________________.(2)don’t/ give / you / why / a / him / kite___________________________________________?(3 )is iphone4s的siri只能识别英文吗?中文不行吗? 有没有he rides the bike takes about ten minutes? Lucy often ___to the bus stop.A.rides a bike B.rides bike bike D.on her bikeIt takes about 15 minutes walk C.walk to D.walking____does it take Jim to ___home by subway?A.How far;get to B.How long;arrive in C.How long;get D.How he rides his bike to the bus station(对划线部分提问)画线部分是rides his bike( )()he( )to the busstation lucy takes the subway to get to schoolevery day(改为同义句)lucy( )to school( )( )every day my brother( )( )( )to work every In 1904,the writer was born in Berhamsted,Herfordshire,___was too small a town to be on the map.A.where which C.that D.which这题选D.我好像感觉where可以似的...where 在定从中作为副词,不能做主语。which做可以做主语 铃儿响叮当的英文歌词是什么? 有人用SIRI学英语么,效果如何啊? time in the chest in the form of the slow passage of time in test. 英语连词成句 order,large,Dumpling,we,at,the,of,a,plate,of,House,dumpling.with,pizza,mushroom,have,would,like,we,to,a,medium.week,the,for,menu,a,make. best wish "to" or "for" you到底应该是什么?两种的汉语意思.…………等等中考出单选怎么答? Best wish for you 什麽意思.这个是什麽意思 siri怎么用,必须说英语吗,不认识路了也能查吗