
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:42:33
判断正误,并改错.1:the house is my brother.2:he has visited many country. 填介词 My brother often reads newspaper --- breakfast.There is a house --- the lake. my brother is going to do the housework tomorrow的划线提问对do the housework划线提问 WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING IS WRONG?是什么意思 Which of the following is WRONG?请协助说明一下为什么错了,A.Sue has borrowed the CD disc.B.What do you think of the book?C.He take 2 hours to do his maths homework.D.I found it difficult to understand what he said. 英语翻译Ask a bachelor why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying.If he is honest he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment.For commitment is in fact quite painful.The single life is filled 垃圾的英语有哪些? 校园生活手抄报内容给说一下 急 内容 关于爱和感恩及校园生活的手抄报 篮球比赛输了的英文翻译 Which of the following is wrong?A.He is married B.He got married C.He married D.He marry 英语翻译Collaborative Assignment:How I get to classThe theme of this year’s assignment is “Getting to class”.In both countries we all travel to our school daily.Yet how we get there differs from person-to-person.Thus you will each tell the 人教版高中英语选修九各个单元语法是什么 附近又没有图书馆用英语怎么说是附近有没有图书馆怎么说,打错了。 我多想回到过去/以前,翻译成英语,用倒装 I'm very well的同义词 外研版新课标高中英语选修语法 very well的同义词 I'm feeling very well now.(对very well提问)_____ _____ _____ _____ now? well的同义词是?well的同义词是什么? 第21世纪 翻译 which of the following sentences is wrong?A.It takes him twenty minutes to walk there every day.B.It's about 20 minutes' walk from here.C.It's 2 kilometres far away from my school.D.He spends 20 minutes walking to school every day. 英语翻译还记得告别的日子,草地上尽情放歌时的无拘无束;沐浴在阳光下;漫步在泰晤士河畔旁…15天即将结束,闭上眼珍惜这最后的时刻,沉浸其中,释放自我,多么希望时间可以暂留,感觉可 英语中否定前置属于哪里的语法点呢? 需要看哪里 难道就这样被否定了吗,我不想.这句话用英语怎么说 如何提高高中生的英语写作 高中生应该怎么提高英语写作水平!真心谢过! 成功人士必备素质 Are you ok Are you ___ ___(同义句) Are you OK 同义句急!改为Are you()() OK.Here you are.改为同义句 are you ok怎么回答A yes,I amB thank you我知道应该要用thank you 可是B后面没有说清楚 如果直接回答了 那没说清楚到底是好还是不好啊