
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:39:56
英语短语,急打开水龙头打开水龙头 是用 open the tap?还是turn on tap?open 和turn on是什么语句上用的!turn on the tap?和 open the tap 1.When I saw my friend Gale in the street ,I stopped talking to her 、填 stopp talking 对吗、不对帮我改正下 I met Jane and stopped talking with her in the street的错误 日记,请指点语法错误:When i woke up in the morning,I found the scab(结痂) on my face had off.我写的日记,说我上周做的激光祛斑,今天结痂掉了,已经前几天自己制作的名片,下午收到,效果很好.请指点语法错 He went to bed ——(drink),and when he woke up .he found he still had his shoes on.里面正确答案是drunk,说是伴随状语,可是解释不通啊,为什么不是drinking呢? Jenny's face turned red when she found her teacher's eyes ____ on her.是填fixed 还是 fixing,为什么? 一个普通的LED手电筒3w,只用1.5V普通电池的,现在改用3.6V的锂电池, 根据汉语提示完成句子 根据汉语提示完成句子__(事实上),my brother didn't go to summer camp.I have__(太多的家规)in my house.We__(待在家)last Sunday.Don't__(迟到)class again,Liu Xing.The Greens__(去海滩)last vacation.We What ___ she ____to play 后面填like 好是likes she is now different from what she used to be中what she used to be充当什么成 They must tell him everything.用英语 根据中文提示完成句子1、我想知道该选择哪双鞋子.I want to know ____ Pair of shoes____ ____.2、这条牛仔裤不错,This pair of jeans is very nice.Can I ____ ____ ____?3、我还需要20个学生来帮我.I need ____ ____ ___to 英语题 根据中文提示完成句子警察沿街跑过去,拦住了那辆小汽车.The policeman (run)along the street,then (stop) the car.这题是用过去式嘛? We met him at the school gate yesterday afternoon对地点进行强调,变成强调句是It was the school gate we met him at yesterday afternoon还是It was at theschool gate we met him yesterday afternoon yesterday linda whih her friends_all afternoon_out at the biggest and the 到底一概是什么时态啊, 梦露的这句名言英文原话是怎么说的.我自私,没有耐心,缺乏安全感,我还会常常做错事,经常失控,但如果你不能应付我最差的一面,你也不值得得到我最好的一面 爱迪生名言的后半句我有次无意中看到了后半句,还有没有一些不为人知的事,或者说就是教课书中错误的地方 纪伯伦 美阅读答案美   一位诗人说,请给我们谈谈美.   他答道:   如果美不以自身为途径,为向导,你们到哪里,又如何能找她到呢?   如果她不是你们言语的编织者,你们又如何能谈 美 纪伯伦 We have to wear sunglasses .改为一般疑问句 "海报"用英文怎么说? "英语海报"怎么说是 ENLISH POSER 还是poster of english Can you e_____ the school rules to me?Sorry,I 'm new here.Can you e_____ the school rules to me?Sorry,I 'm new here. i don\'t wish to have the sunglasses with the pearl on the side 富兰克林的光学研究1752 年4 月23 日,富兰克林在给卡德瓦拉德•科尔登的信中谈到了空气和光.他写道:“我必须承认,我对于光是一无所知的.那种假定称为光的物质微粒连续不断地被从太 孤儿寡母 纪伯伦 阅读题夜幕很快地笼罩了黎巴嫩北部卡迪萨谷地周围的那些村庄.白天,这里下了一场鹅毛大雪,从而使田野.高地变成一页巨大的白纸,风在上面不时地画出道道线条,又不时地 富兰克林对天电与地电有怎样的猜想?他做这一猜想的依据是什么? 毛毛虫实验告诉了我们一个什么哲理 毛毛虫实验告诉了我们什么道理 little a little few a few bit a bit a bit of 区别 a little,a few,a bit,a number的具体区别已知道little 修饰不可数,few修饰可数名词复数 均含否定意义,表是少到几乎没有,a little修饰不可数,a few 修饰可数 均表少量. 毛毛虫变成蝴蝶的作文300字有哲理的