
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:08:09
中国一共有多少动物 When do elephants have eight legs? when do elephants have eight legs?急 when do elephants have eight legs?用英文回答如题 常用的英语动物名称 When do horses have eight legs? 什么时候猫有八条腿(When do cats have eight legs?) 我们中国仅有的动物有哪些?急········ 在中国最流行最好学的英文歌曲有哪几首? 填空:Where is Sarah going to buy the plants?She is going to buy the plants____.是不是填shop?1、What does Saraah want to be in the future?She wants to be______________________________.麻烦个位教下我【快点】 20个成语造句不动声色、唉声叹气、叱诧风云、承前启后、草菅人命、不可思议、不修边幅、称心如意、重蹈覆辙、出类拔萃、川流不息、吹毛求疵、汗牛充栋、强弩之末、喧宾夺主、良莠 Wish you a happy holiday.怎么回答 I___you a happy holiday.A.hope B.wish C.have D.want 名词,形容词,副词,定冠词,在西班牙文当中句子系怎样组成的?希望懂得西班牙文的朋友们帮帮我~副词+直宾+间宾+动词+主语吗 一步一_ _ 后面接什么词好听 要有 哲理 优雅 而且霸气的! 以X一样的XX来命名的词语都有哪些 要霸气点的 猥琐点的 总之好听的都可以 happy birthday toan attractive,intellectual,sophisticated and all round splendid person. happy birthday to a wonderful person!翻译这句话的意思!谢谢! 谷歌中国解散后,GOOGLE搜索引擎会取消么?谷歌中国解散后都会有什么影响?会取消什么业务?请大家分析下一楼的意思是WWW.GOOGLE.CN会关闭?以后 谷歌的所有业务会从中国消失? from then on后街什么时态, She is going to go to school.和 She is going to school.这两种语法都是对的么?有什么说法么? she is going to go to school 对go to school 提问 选择并改错.At birthday parties,we always sing (Happy Birthday to You).It is (very good song).第一个括号中的是A,第二个括号中的是B,哪个错了?怎样改正? You may know the song Happy Birthday very well.But do you know about its writer?It was written.You may know the song Happy Birthday very well.But do you know about its writer?It was writtenby an American girl.And she became very rich after that.When 赌这场爱这个词可以用什么词语代替? 为什么有“爱”有这个词讨厌;啊 from now From now on翻译成中文是什么 英语语法问题:from now on出现,要用什么时态,请用例句说明一下, They go to school five days a week.(改为同义句)They go to school from _____to_____. i am happy to____that A:hear B:listen C:say,,so...that...用法 以及hear of 和 hear about 区别比如说省略号里面加什么成分,以及区别有啥差..