
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:42:19
火车火车运煤或石油焦怎么样才能减少亏吨 Nothing is further from the truth than this view.这句话的意思是:没有比这更正确的了(即这个观点很对);还是:事实远非如此?最好有这句话的用法.另外,nothing could be further from the truth.和以上这句 He struck the girl in the face and she fell to the ground ___.A、dieB、deathC、deadD、deadly On the wrong side of the The first driver asked sarcastically whether the other man always()when he() He ()on the wrong side of road填什么最好?语境是两个司机撞车吵架 trapped on the wrong side wake up on the wrong side of 什么歌啊 已知函数f(x)=(ax^2-2x)e^(-x),在[-1,1]上为单调减函数,求实数a的范围 高一物理 举例描述加速度 请举例说明地球公转速度的差异性. 高一物理第二章的第三节怎么理解的更快,最好具体点,多举例子. 货场有两堆煤,甲堆有280吨,乙堆有245吨,每天从甲堆运走18吨,从乙堆运走11吨.几天后两堆煤的重量恰好相等? after a long walk,they had to stop (alk ) After a long walk ,they ____their flying kites How happy they are now 有两堆煤,甲堆有14吨,每天用去0.6吨,乙堆有12,每天用去0.4吨,几天后两堆煤剩下一样多?用方程解. 有两堆煤,甲堆有14吨,每天用去0.6吨,乙堆有12吨,每天用去0.4吨,几天后两堆煤剩下一样多? 两堆煤,甲堆有9吨,乙堆有6吨,甲每天用去0.72吨,乙堆每天用去0.12吨,几天后两堆剩下的煤相等? 两堆煤,甲堆有9吨,乙堆有6吨,甲堆每天用去0.72吨,乙堆每天用去0.12吨,几天后两堆剩的煤相等? He was mad at her( ) not telling him the truth 填介词 I had a guilty conscience about not telling him the truth 我正在考虑告诉他实情 英语:I was thinking about telling him the truth 为什么要用过去进行时态~ Pointing to the house on__roof grew lots of bush,the old man told me that was____I would stay.A.its,whatB.whose,whatC.whose,whereD.its,where第二个空里用where 为什么不能理解为是定从that=the house 先行词是物还原到从句中做 抱然 的近义词 急 急 急 `` 一无所有的意思 (a*a+5a+3)(a*a+5a-2)-6因试分解 a²-5a+6=(a-3)(a-2)的详细步骤, (-5a^6)^2+(-3a^3)^3乘a^3 a-5a+6=(a-3)(a-2)中间的过程是什么啊?我只会把(a-3)(a-2)转化为a-5a+6 不会把a-5a+6转换为(a-3)(a-2).最好是式子的 .如果不好写就用语言答吧. the man was not telling the truth.hewas( )a line.the man was not telling the truth.hew as( )a lie.a\telling b)saying c)talking d)speaking请问应选哪一个 英语中补语补语在句中的位置 宾语补助语是放宾语后面,但主语补助语时是放句子的最后么?无论是宾补还是主补都是放句后的吧?如it's more valuable brokenbroken 不是it的补语么,为主补不是么? 是 saying the truth 还是 telling the truth? he said he was telling the truth . H ___ ,he was lying The young man cliam that the house belonged to him,and he was just telling a lie.连词and合适吗