
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:24:22
跪求辩论赛,“功能否补过”,正方辨词!我们是正方(我们已经连输三届的辩论赛了,希望各位多说一点观点和辨词!正方立场和反方立场都可以!)好的、具体的. 春季的腊梅的样子 功能补过辩论赛正方例子.越有力越好. area 功可以补过的辩论赛正方的例子 area of a large area 黄豆生成豆芽后,质量会增加4.5倍,要生成110千克豆芽需要准备多少千克黄豆? 硫代硫酸根中硫的价态为什么是-2和+6,请根据结构说明 徐霞客对黄山奇松的诗句 哪些气体不燃 什么固体可以燃烧,什么气体可以燃烧? date of performance of 均匀的近义词是什么 请高手帮忙翻译一下下面的句子.急!这是有关教师角色的一句话.Others see their role more as a facilitator, and believe that the best desk kind of lesson is one that arises out of the dynamics of the teaching—learning situation 近义词 珍惜() 保护() 惊奇() 均匀() 英语翻译You can look up magazine articles in the Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature. 匀称的近义词只需要真确答案. she did it ___ ___ ___(刚才) 计划加工一个高位8分米的长方体水桶,水桶底面为正方形.现将水桶加高了2分米.记过增加了32平方分米现在这个水桶能装多少升? 【08上海卷】35.Something as simple as ___ some cold water may clear your mind and relieve pressure.35.Something as simple as ______some cold water may clear your mind and relieve pressure.A.to drink B.drinking C to be drinking D.drunk为什么 Something as simple as _____ your hands with running water can protect you against flu.A.washing B.to wash C.washed D.wash谁能帮我分析句子结构 另选什么. 均匀的近义词4个不一样的 英语翻译collects rainwater to be used in dry weather — can make the difference between a good harvest and a bad one . 英语翻译Maybe something as simple as a greeter at the store entrance would help.as simple as Customers can also improve future shopping experiences by filing complaints to the retailer.里面的 filing 是表示什么? 请求翻译Something likes water ,you should be look as wind . She is able to do it on __ ownShe is able to do it on __(she) own所给词正确形式填空 she is proud to do it中to do it 是什么成分为什么 王师傅计划加工一个高为8分米的长方体水桶,水桶底面为正方形.现在将水桶加高了2分米,结果增加了32平方分米的铁皮.现在这个水桶能装水多少升? 王师傅计划加工一个高为8dm的长方体水桶水桶底面积为正方形.现在将水桶加高2dm.结果增加32平方分米的铁皮现在能装水多少升 翻译:I never use the things in it anymore. 均匀的近义词