来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:15:34
北京的夜空礼花满天.怎么改成比喻句? 纯中式婚礼的重心在哪? as soon as this was done ,they cooked a meal over an opwn fire. 为什么前面不用过去完成时?不是类似于after as soon as 表示动作先后么,前面的动作要用完成时表示在后面那动作之前,这里怎么不用完成呢?高手 一种生物个体中,如果隐性个体的成体没有繁殖能力,一个杂合子(Aa)自交,得子一代(F1)个体,在(F1)个体只能自交和可以自由交配俩种情况下,F2中有繁殖能力的个体分别占F2总数的? They won't be able to come here on time,I think.(改为复合句)?I ...(不限词数)...think they ...(不限词数)...be able to come here on time. 为什么要拜天地脑筋急转弯 节日的焰火真美丽.改为比喻句:() You are s_____ to come here on time . 这件衬衫穿在你身上看上去有点长 英文This shirt looks 花有重开日,人无再少年.是谁说的名言? 单选The doctor warned him __.A.not smoke B.not to smokeC.don't smokeD.should not smoke 请问花有重开日,人无再少年作者是谁? how have you __the bike?A bought B borrowed C had D lent不是应该填一个过去分词吗? The ____________(wool) sweater looks good on you. my grandparents live in__old house in Shanghai A. a B. an C. some D.any 花有重开日,人无再少年 .这句话是谁说的? 水光潋滟晴方好的上句 glad to meet you中glad的d那个英怎么没了? 修改病句:If you read the book,please lend it to me.Thank you! to be a better man在哪里?英文歌!歌手好像叫william 有几句是:...I can grow through this pain...as my soul... 过去完成时 他一说出口,就后悔了.As soon as he ____(say) this,he __今晚必解,过去完成时他一说出口,就后悔了.As soon as he ____(say) this,he ______ (regret) it.她去搭出租车的时候,已经开始下雨了.It ______ (be we can fight our way out. 《花影》这首诗的意思是什么 Finally we found our way 那It rained even harder later drill our way out of It means that anybody who tells you that we can drill our way out of this problem doesn’t know what they’re talking about,or just isn’t telling you the truth这个句子里面的 花影古诗改写450字作业 回乡偶书古诗,花影古诗,春晓古诗,题都城南庄古诗 水光潋滟晴方好 山色空蒙雨亦奇描写的是什么天气 求神的回答! 水中倒影是虚像吗虚像都是正立,实像都是倒立.为什么水中倒影是虚像但是是倒立的? 水中倒影是虚像?虚像都是正立,实像都是倒立.为什么水中倒影是虚像但是是倒立的? I won't tell the student the answer to the math problem until he ____on it for more than an hour.A has been workingB will have been working选B可以这样理解啊,直到他将要在这个问题上思考一个多小时