
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 04:24:08
为什么温度计放在百叶窗内观测气温? 我阅读完一篇文章后,总是只知道大概过程,具体时间,人名,地名却一点也记不住!请问怎么改掉这个毛病? 作文人名地名用什么代替? 求作文:校园趣事 500字左右 不得透露真实人名、地名、班级 英语人名和地名怎么记,一片文章总会看到很多不认识的人名和地名,怎么办? 英语翻译摘要:随着国际经济交流的不断增加和我国的入世,全面施行国民待遇原则是大势所趋.我国目前在这一方面存在很大问题,外商投资领域尤其突出,急需采取相关措施予以完善.本文以 Some of the students have already learned enough English to ___ on a conversation with .Some of the students have already learned enough English to ___ on a conversation with native English speakers.(A) hold (B) keep(C) go (D) carry并请说明另外 I want some students for the school concert.用英语I want some students for the school concert.用英语怎么翻译? Some students can watch TV_____.A.in class b.after school c.at workplease__put the dishes in the____A.remember ,kitchen B.remember to ,kitchen C.remember to,bedroomOn weekends,i go to the children's palace___the pianoA.to learn B.learn C.learnsNO____ the students have (some english agazine)对括号里的提问 英语求两空,走心好评Some of your students went to the meeting but the others didn't=__ __your students went to the meeting,为什么, 英语翻译Oíd,mortales,el grito sagrado:Libertad,libertad,libertad.Oíd el ruido de rotas cadenas,Ved en trono a la noble igualdad.Se levanta a la faz de la Tierrauna nueva y gloriosa Nación,coronada su sien de laureles,y a sus plantas rendido un 英语翻译Vuit dies després d'haver arribat a Palerm,es rep una lletra de l'emperador de Constantinoble,on diu que el Soldà i Gran Turc s'ha emparat de part del seu imperi,i reclama la presència de Tirant lo Blanc,el qual,després de recollir vo 帮我翻译段西班牙语把ALOSO知道什么意思吗 英语翻译El cielo de mi mundo Eres el cielo de mi mundocuando te enfadas conmigoun terremoto agita mi vidaCuando llorases como si una inmensa olame arrastrase alejandome de tiCuando estas contenta me siento feliz,como si estuvieramosen una playa s 英语翻译RT如下hola.soy un ladron y lo primero que quiero robares tu corazon.tu eres miunico verdadero amor最好能帮我写篇回复。 I don't need some help.和I don't need much help.哪个正确? need some help的help是复数还是单数 need some help的help是复数还是单数 新西兰西语怎么讲 翻译成英语怎么写? 怎么用西班牙语说这句?if the popularity index of this song is 10,what about that one? 如何用西语说十一点 will robots work for people in 100 years?翻译 People will (have) robots to do the housework in the future .为什么是错的?为什么括号里要用“use” 选择People will use robots.,.the housework in the future.People will use robots.,.the housework in the future.A.do B.to do,c.doing D.to doing选哪个,为什么?,参考答案是C. 8.Future people ________________ (有更少的工作做) because they will use robots to work. 世界上说西语的国家具体有哪些美国人说西语的多么 有多少个国家是讲西班牙语?是哪几个国家? 求歌曲 Jasmin Kaset的Oh What A Day请发送到这里, 哪些大国讲西班牙语 在线求mp3音乐 Jasmin Kaset - Oh What A day1475547166 What a fucking day…你丫等级怎么那么高